
Golden Retriever

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CH.PL-DK, PL Club Winner '18, JCh.PL GANDALF Rozmachany Ogon

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CH.PL-DK, PL Club Winner '18, JCh.PL GANDALF Rozmachany Ogon (FCI B)
GASPAR Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
CH.PL GEISHA Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
GANGSTER Rozmachany Ogon
GAUDI Rozmachany Ogon
GHOST Rozmachany Ogon
C.I.E. Ch.(H;Cro;) Multi JCh. (H;Cro;?st;SK) Fly Over the Golden-Hill Du Bois de la Rayere (BVA 5/4)
Fly To Eternity du Bois de la Rayere (A/A)
Dutch&German Ch Fly to Fletcher du Bois de la Rayere (FCI A)
Frenchy Boy du Bois de la Rayere (FCI A2)
INT (C.I.B. + C.I.E.) CH Fly To Ghost Myst du Bois de la Rayere (A/A)
Fly To French Line du Bois de la Rayere (0/1)
SeVCh Flower To Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayere (FCI B)
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Ramchaine Snap To Jako's (FCI A)
Ramchaine Shuffle and Deal to Eastonwood (4:4)
ChRus, JChRus Ramchaine Patience is Istry (A/A)
International Sh Ch/ Irish Sh Ch/ Dutch Ch/ Ger/VDH CH. Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts UKJW (3:4)
Ramchaine Diamond Cut By Fenwood JW
Ramchaine Whist (A/A (2008))
Eng Sh Ch Lochtaymor King of Diamonds (BVA 6:5)
Lochtaymor Sirocco
Lochtaymor Jack Frost JW (BVA 6:12)
Lochtaymor The Cisco Kid (BVA 3:6)
Lochtaymor Girl Friday for Rainscourt (BVA 4:7)
Lochtaymor Diamond Queen (BVA 4:6)
Lochtaymor Griffindor (BVA 7:5)
Lochtaymor Meri Christmas (BVA 5:3)
Lochtaymor A Diamond Jewel at Glormhorcu (25:16)
Lochtaymor Snowball with Jemedin (BVA 3:5)
Lochtaymor She Can Can-Can
Lochtaymor Zephyr (3:3)
Lochtaymor Moulin Rouge (13:14)
UK Sh Ch / Dutch Ch / German Ch / VDH Ch Remington Requisite Of Ramchaine (BVA 5:5)
Remington Roberta Bolebel (BVA 4:7)
Remington Reflection of Castlerock (BVA 6:4)
CH Remington Rockafeller (A1)
Remington Rob Roy Of Ipcress JW (BVA Score 11/9)
Remington Regal Scot of Raffleson (BVA 6:6)
Eng.Sh.Ch Remington Remember Me KCJW (BVA 7:7)
Bouquet Imperial du Bois de la Rayere (A 2007)
SEU(u)CH SEVCH Bernhard Du Bois De La Rayere (A/A (2007))
Bon Voyage du Bois de la Rayere (B/B (200?))
INT CH, UA/RUS/BUL/MOL/RO/EE/LT CH Baikal du Bois de la Rayere (A1)
Blue Paradise du Bois de la Rayere (A (2007))
Bleu Blanc Rouge du Bois de la Rayere (B 2007)
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (HD A (2003))
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere (HD A 200?)
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re (A/A (BVA 2000))
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere (A1)
IntCh, ChFr, ChBel, FT Ch Tommy Girl du Bois de la Rayere (A/A (2003))
Theos du bois de la Ray?re
Field trial CH Temps Dance du Bois de la Rayere
Ch Belge, IB, Trialer Top Secret Affair du Bois de la Ray?re (A/A 2003)
The-Star-Of-France Du Bois De La Rayere (OFA GR-89335G47F-NOPI)
Tea For Two du Bois de la Rayere
Ch.PL-LT-RUS-RKF, JCh.PL, Veteran Ch, Veteran Club Winner'19 LAYLA Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LOLA Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LEMO Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LILLY Rozmachany Ogon (HD B)
LIMBO Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
Ch.PL LIGOL Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LEGO Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LOBO Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LUBBO Rozmachany Ogon (HD A)
LU Rozmachany Ogon
Belg Sh Ch, VDH Ch, Su(u)Ch, Lux JCh. Dewmist Servantes Belgian Topwinning golden 2008 (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
C.I.E SEU(U)CH DKUCH DKW-09 Dewmist Serendipity (AA)
Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion (A - (2007) - Swedish)
Dewmist Serrido SE VCH (A/A)
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serrania (A/A)
HSCH Dewmist Serendica Derby winner (A (2006))
NORDUCH, FinW-09 Dewmist Serrano (A/A (2006))
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel (A/A (2003))
Erinderry Gaelic Summer (BVA(3:6))
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess (BVA Hip Score 8:8)
Erinderry Gaelic Song (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Gaelic Mist (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze (6:7)
Erinderry Hannah of Salako (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Hamlet (30:25 (4 years old))
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis (BVA Hip Score 5:4)
Erinderry Hercules (11:10)
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07 (HD A1)
Can Ch Dewmist Stromboli (OFA GR-77452F25M-PI)
N UCH Dewmist Shaughnessy (A)
SV-02 SU(U)CH Dewmist Stravinsky (HD grad A (10/17/2001))
IL.CH Dewmist Samurai (A)
CH.PL BIBI Rozmachany Ogon FCI (HD A1)
BOBO Rozmachany Ogon FCI
BABI Rozmachany Ogon FCI
JCH.PL. BUBU Rozmachany Ogon FCI (HD A1)
BOLO Rozmachany Ogon FCI (HD A1)
CH.PL-LT-RUS-RKF BONO Rozmachany Ogon FCI (HD A1)
BOY Rozmachany Ogon FCI (HD A1)
Lux. Ch. & Swedish Showch. Golden Rose-Bay's Ambassador (HD B1)
Golden Rose-Bay's Ashly (HD B1)
Luxemburg Juniorchampion Golden Rose-Bay's Acapella (HD B1)
CH.PL, JCH.PL, Veteran CH. Prima BEL-ESPIRIT (A1/A1)

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