
Golden Retriever

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Sogni Doro Life is a Gift

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sogni Doro Life is a Gift
Sogni Doro The Life of Paddy
Sogni Doro Life In The Fast Lane
Sogni Doro That's Life
Sogni Doro The Life of the Party
Sogni Doro Life is Golden
Sogni Doro The Sunshine of my Life
Sogni Doro Everlasting Life
CH Goldridge Dance On The Edge (8.5 years)
CH Goldridge Galexy Dancer RA
BIS BISS Am CH. Bonacres Sherwood Fourrest OS SDHF
CH Bonacres Four Time Winner
CH Bonacres Fourget Me Not
BIS BISS Am CH Sassafras Batterys Not Incld OS SDHF (10.5 years)
Sassafras Uptown Girl (12 years)
Sassafras Lou Golden Bear
CH Bonacres' Penny Lane CD CGC OD
CH Cacharel's All Hallow's Eve
Cacharel's Cats Pajamas
Cacharel's Kaye Cee Regal CD (9 years)
Am. CH Amberac's Ima Showstopper
Am Ch Amberac Ramala's Showfurr (11.5 years)
Am. CH Amberac's Show And Tell
Am CH Amberac's Stealin' The Show
Amberac Alari Show'n Machine (13.5 years)
Amberac Showin' 'Em All
Amberac's Show Me The Way
Am. CH J J's Country Stitches
Goldridge Lights Action Lilly CD RN CCA (8 years)
CH. Goldridge The Dream Keeper (10.5 years)
U-CH Goldridge Alicenwonderland BN CD CGC CCA (11.5 years)
Am./Can. CH. Chantelle On Your Mark CGC OS (12 years)
Chantelle Take Aim at Medallion (10 years)
Medallion Starring Role (8 years)
Ellie Mae Hamner (8.5 years)
Medallion Stargazer
Medallion Morning Star
Chantelle Pegged At First (16 years)
Chantelle Ozzie (14 years)
Chantelle Stella (13 years)
Bonacres Goldridge Summer Madness CDX RN CGC
Bonacres Aspens Coming Attraction
Bonacres Brick House
Aylwyn Autumn Twist of Fate
Bonacres Jungle Boogie
CH Bonacres Boogie Express TDX (7 years)
CH Bonacres Boogie With Benny
CH Bonacres Boogie Nights

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