K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Linray's Rumor Has It

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Linray's Rumor Has It (OFA Fair)
Bryndafydd Beren (OFA Good)
Bryndafydd Beor (BVA 4/6)
Bryndafydd Haldad (FCI A)
Balrion Ring Round The World (OFA LR-120901G83M-PI)
Balrion Over the Waves (OFA LR-83618G34F)
Balrion Oceans Apart (BVA 4:5)
Hawkmoors Webster (BVA 2-2)
Hawksmoors Wellington
Hawksmoor Willow Warbler (OFA Good)
Balrion Edge Of Darkness
Balrion Edge of Time
Bryndafydd Hathor (BVA 7:5)
GB.Sh.Ch. Balrion Kings Ransom (BVA 4/9)
Balrion Star Quality
SA Ch Balrion King Of The Hill Of Breckondale
Balrion Star Attraction
C.C.W. Balrion Imperial Star (BVA 2:5)
Balrion Kings Knight (OFA LR-16364)
Balrion Star Time
Shillohan Elektra of Bryndafydd (BVA 4:4)
Shillohan Poseidon at Bryndafydd (BVA 6:14)
Am/Int. Ch Linray's Go Farr It (OFA Excellent)
Tabatha's Farr Starr
Am Int. Ch Linrays Farr And Above (OFA Excellent)
Am CH Dickendall Arnold (OFA LR-38719G25M)
Dickendalls Hall Farm Helen (OFA Fair)
Dickendall Davaron Orange Rufy JH (OFA LR-67405F28M)
Am CH Dickendalls Ruffy SH (OFA LR-29269E26M)
Dickendalls A-Ha
Am CH Balrion Tabatha's Farr Away (OFA LR-57197G31F)
Balrion Mark Of Majesty On Kymin
Balrion Out For A Duck
Balrion Caught In The Slips
SA Ch Balrion Bowled a Bouncer to Breckondale
Ch Balrion Over To You (OFA LR-47309G33F)
Balrion Back from the Brink
INT N S UCH N TCH NORD UCH Balrion Him of Praise (FCI A)
Balrion Gone For A Burton

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