
Golden Retriever

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Akita van 't Relaer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Akita van 't Relaer
Nisha van ?t Relaer
Noa van 't Relaer
Lara van 't Relaer NHSB 2382191
Laika van 't Relaer NHSB 2382190
Iza van 't Relaer
Chester van 't Relaer
Cano van 't Relaer
Max van 't Relaer NHSB 2382185
Sammy van 't Relaer
Bonnie van 't Relaer
Dimple van 't Relaer
Kelly van 't Relaer NHSB 2245068
Max van 't Relaer NHSB 2245066
Vicky van 't Relaer
Vito van 't Relaer
Boras van 't Relaer
Vince van Spokendam
Dream Max Bahamas
NUCH Dream Max Christmas Adventure
NUCH Dream Max Never Say Never Again
Odette Katja van Spokendam
Oliver Laska van Spokendam
Olga-Priscilla van Spokendam
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Goldman
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Glint O'Gold
Mjaerumhogda's Kyon Dovregubben
Bonnie van Spokendam
Beauty Jody van Spokendam
Quinty van 't Relaer
Daisy van 't Relaer (NHSB 2064747)
Ceasar-Quint van de Oldeweide
Julio van Spokendam
Just Like Lindy van Spokendam
Iris Tamara van Spokendam
Mandy van de Golden Inn

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