
Golden Retriever

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1st Class Jade Jolie CCA, CGC, TKN, Achiever Dog

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

1st Class Jade Jolie CCA, CGC, TKN, Achiever Dog (AKC SR86493601 (2-18))
CanCH, C.I.E. Int'l CH 1st Class Dream Lover (AKC SR83650603 (6-15))
CanCH 1st Class ForAlways ForEver ForLove
First Class So Amazing (Other LO13116811)
1st Class Always And Forever For Wynrita
CanCH 1st Class Superstar
BISS, Multi Ch. 1st Class Goldens Dream Lover
Europa Jgd Sieger '11, French/Swedish Ch., CIE, CIB Cheek to Cheek Florentino (FCI ATCAP00427FRA)
Za Ch Cheek to Cheek Gran Centenario
Cheek to Cheek Grand Marnier
Utopia de Alaria (FCI LOE)
Uschi de Alaria
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic
Cheek to Cheek Venetian Sunset
Cheek to Cheek Vino Verano (Other NHSB 2567824)
Pl.Ch. Cheek to Cheek Valencia Smile (FCI PKR.VIII-15863)
Cheek to Cheek Very Merry Berry
Jr.Pl.Ch., Pl.Ch. Cheek to Cheek Vodka Sunrise
Ritzilyn Hoi Polloi
Ritzilyn Just Dandy
Eng.Sh.Ch Ritzilyn Male Order JW
Ritzilyn Malarkey at Millesime
Ritzilyn Miss Adventure (Other 12512/2005)
Int Ch Ritzilyn Match Point (Other Denmark Kennel Club)
Eng CH Ritzilyn Polly Esther
Ritzilyn Pasadena JW (Other 0968CQ)
JEW'07, INT CH, SPA/PT/GBZ/DK CH, HR JCH Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay (FCI LOE1640217)
Ritzilyn Rock Candy With Cesarka
SH CH Ritzilyn Jitterbug of Cherrygold
Ritzilyn Kitty Hawk for Redtowers
Ritzilyn Judge Jools at Cesarka
Jr. Ch Ritzilyn Jiggery Pokery
Vice-EW'06, C.I.B/C.I.E. FIN/EE/LV/LT/RU/BY MVA Ritzilyn Jimmy Mac EEV-06 EEVV11, BH, TK1 (FCI FIN35426/02)
German JCh, German CH Ritzilyn Passing Glance (UKC AE02767208)
German Ch. & German J.Ch. Ritzilyn Jokers Wild (UKC AB03611104)
Ritzilyn Sugar Bush for Pearlbarn
Ritzilyn Jimjams For Mousseglen
Bundesjugendsieger '02 Ritzilyn Jigger (Other KCR AB03611107)
Ritzilyn Pizzazz For Eastbury
Ritzilyn Charleston At Folderslane
Ritzilyn Peachy Cream
Ritzilyn Plain Sailing
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Manhattan
Stonedale Light My Fire
CH.PL,LT,SK,VDH,J.Ch.Pl & Ua & Rus Stonedale Look No Further
Stonedale Love Actually
Eng.Sh Ch Shardanell Talk O' The Town at Ipcress (UKC KC Reg.)
Shardanell Living Doll (Other KC Reg.)
Shardanell Forget Me Not (Other KC Reg.)
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW (KC KCSB 3519CQ)
Shardanell Ruby Tulip (AKC SR28264401 (9-08))
Shardanell Daisychain via Ipcress (Other KC Reg.)
Ipcress Sir Thomas
Ipcress Over the Moon (Other KC Reg.)
Ipcress Reach for the Moon (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage For Shardanell (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Saxifraga at Dasmaks (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Shasta Daisy (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Sir Galahad (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Sir Percy (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uncle Albert (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uncle Charles (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uncle Harry (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uncle Sam (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uncle Silas (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uncle Tom (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Unique (Other KC Reg.)
Lovehayne Uptown Girl (Other KC Reg.)
Stonedale Addicted to Love
CH Stonedale Angel of Fame
Stonedale Astral Glow
Stonedale Alluring Lady (Other HR10999GR)
Stonedale Anthem To Glory (Other HR11001 GR)
Stonedale Adriatic Breeze
VDH CH Trewater Goodwill Garfield (Other DRC9914569)
Trewater Goodwill Gent (Other KC Reg.)
Trewater Goodwill Glitz (Other KC Reg.)
Trewater Goodwill Glory (Other KC Reg.)
Trewater Goodwill Gomera (Other KC Reg.)
Trewater Goodwill Greta (Other KC Reg.)
Trewater Goodwill Gossip (Other KC Reg. Y2598301Y02)
Trewater Goodwill Georgie (Other KC Reg.)
Trewater Goodwill Gracie
Woodsmoor Enchanted Love At Canina (Other HR 10894)
Woodsmoor Dream Lover at Canina
Woodsmoor Endless Love Of Canina
Woodsmoor Lovesong Of Deloro
Woodsmoor Love Games with Canina

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