
Golden Retriever

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Aeavendale Comedian

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Aeavendale Comedian
Aeavendale Camellia
Aeavendale Camouflage
Aeavendale Counterpart (BVA Hip Score 5:4)
Aeavendale Campaigner
Aeavendale Carousel
Aeavendale Cascade
Aeavendale Centenary
Aeavendale Charisma
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW (BVA Hip Score 3:5)
Golmas Gaelic Boy
Golmas Gianfranco
Golmas Giango
Golmas Great Guns
Golmas Guy's Doll
Golmas Gilded Rose at Rosegrove (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Golmas Guy's Moll At Rossgilde (BVA Hip Score 3:4)
Golmas Gilded Lily (BVA Hip Score 4:5)
Golmas Gaelic Rover With Locquay
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde (BVA Hip Score 6:7)
Swed. SH CH/Norw. CH Marjamez Masterpiece (UA (1/21/1998))
Marjamez Marguerita Time (BVA/KC Hip Score 4:7)
Marjamez Mexicali Rose At Forbendale (BVA/KC Hip Score 16:14)
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander (BVA Hip Score 4:3)
Elswood Celtic Chiefton (B1/B2)
Elswood Katrine Of Nortonwood (BVA 7:9)
Ger./VDH. CH. Elswood Maree Unter Dem Thie (HD C2)
Elswood Tam A' Shanter Of Highguild (BVA Hip Score 4:6)
Elswood The Jacobite Of Bellemount JW SGWC (BVA Hip Score 10:10)
Ital. CH. Elswood Cash Is King
Elswood Highland Magic of Varadero (BVA 10:24)
Elswood Highland Melody (BVA 17:23)
Eng. SH. CH. Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez (BVA Hip Score 4:3)
Gaineda Ice-Warrior (7:8)
Golmas Grace N Favour (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
Golmas Goldfinger (BVA Hip Score 12:12)
Golmas Graduate Of Greenwards (BVA Hip Score 9:3)
Kerrien Churchill of Sansue JW (BVA Hip Score 4:6)
Kerrien Forever Faithful
Kerrien Nelson (B1)
Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell (BVA Hip Score 9:9)
Fin. CH. Kerrien Raleigh (A/A (199?))
Kerrien Band Master Of Cornbrough (19:21)
Kerrien Forever In Love (7:15)
Golmas Guns A'Poppin (BVA Hip Score 4:4)
Golmas Gina (4:2)
Golmas Gunner Boy (BVA Hip Score 7:7)
Fairfield Fascination (BVA Hip Score 7:7)
Fairfield French Vanilla of Hollyglow (6:3)
Golmas Gioberti Of Siagar (BVA Hip Score 6:5)
Linchael Sunset Of Kenave (BVA/KC 6:5)
Linchael Sunflower Of Kenave
Golmas Giucci (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Golmas Garbo
Golmas Giuliette
Golmas Giuseppe
Golmas Givenchy
Golmas Gala
Golmas Gemma
Golmas Gertrude
Golmas Gilsadie of Bethillia
Golmas Giorgina of Veroy
Golmas Giosef
Golmas Giotto
Golmas Giovanna
Golmas Glamis
Fairfield Fenella (3:4)
Fairfield Focus (Unknown 5:5)
Fairfield Fatal Attraction At Salako
Fairfield Femme Fatale (Unknown 3:3)
Eng Sh Ch/Aust Ch Tasvane Charles Henry (BVA BVA Hip Score 6:8)
Tasvane Titre Of Wolmer
Westley Deanna Fairfield (8:6)
Westley Dellajoy
Westley Deva Of Shirgold
Westley Disiree (3:4)

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