
Golden Retriever

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Hoagland's Buck

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Hoagland's Buck
Larinda's Golden Nikie
Christopher's Lady Ness
Melissa's Lady Gilda
Buckwheat Boy
Honey Girl Of Lincoln
Glendale's Golden Waffle
Shelter Cove Playboy
Shelter Cove Royal
Bobby's Beauty
Shelter Cove Prince
Golden Lady XV
Shelter Cove Explorer
Shelter Cove Fire Flash
Shelter Cove Mark
Shelter Cove Searchlight
Shelter Cove Stubble
Shelter Cove Superspeed
Shelter Cove Topnotch
Shelter Cove Treasure
Shelter Cove Sunny
Shelter Cove Dusty
Phyls' Pride
Gloria's Beauty
Willing Now
Montana Jill
Toffee Girl Of Kimpalong Road
Golden Sassy
Sporty Boy
Mida's Touch
Penelope Of Pooh Corners CD
Brad's Mac Of Travois
Triple H Brandy
Kaintuck's Golden Mischief
Denmel's Treacle Gold
La Wanna's Buckwheat
Prince Houdini
Lady Morna of the Prado CD
Gypsy Lady II (SA324112)
Princess Taramar
Senora Gitana
Roy Crawford's Duffy
Bally of Ballyclare
Springbrook's Gus
Lucia of Roedare
Micky of Roedare CanCD
La Wanna's Taffy Candy
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Melody CDX
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF (11 years)
Indian Knoll's Roc-Wood
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-N-Rye
Indian Knolls Roc-Candi
AmCH Milaur's Aphrodite OD
Milaur's Bathsheba
Milaur's Bali Hi
Am. CH. Milaur's Aurora OD
Am. CH Milaur's Bridget (18 years)
Milaur's Achilles
Milaur's Destiny Of Goldrush
Am. CH. Milaur's Acheron
Am. CH. Milaur's Athena CD WC
Am. CH. Milaur's Baal Benefactor CD OS (2.5 years)

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