
Golden Retriever

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Shandy Sheyenne

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shandy Sheyenne (OFA GR-EL25312F28-NOPI)
Int. Ch Cody Chancellor DJ DN CGC (OFA GR-EL33802M49-VPI)
Somba Sombella
Jack Rocky Holler Rebel
Tucker O'Day
Hunnell's Farm Sidney
Sadielox Golden Spring Daffodils
Cernava's Pride Of Two Pines
Kayla Rochetta Kiara Davis
Sasha Samuella
Abby Of Oxbow Hill
Booker 1
Bens Hunting Bullets
Contessa Marie II
Misty Larou
Jamison Of Buffalo Creek
Missimoache Sassafras Larou

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