
Golden Retriever

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Toendra v. Casa Dolijn

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Toendra v. Casa Dolijn
Steppe v. Casa Dolijn
Prairie v. Casa Dolijn
Taiga v. Casa Dolijn
Savanne v. Casa Dolijn
Heide v. Casa Dolijn
Wittgenstein's Golden Grizzly (0-0)
U Go First des Bruy?res de Servi?re (0/0)
U-Man Nature des Bruyeres de Serviere (0/0)
U Go First Des Bruyeres De Serviere
Upsilon des Bruy?res de Servi?re
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation (0/0)
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader (0:0)
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
Payanne Des Bruyeres de Serviere
Paddington des Bruyeres de Serviere
Wittgenstein's Golden Deary
Back to the Roots Agile Kinley (0/0)
Back to the Roots Abigail (0/0)
Back to the Roots Amadeus (0/0)
Back to the Roots Akymo (0/0)
Back to the Roots Aaron (0/0)
Back to the Roots Amber Bay Boomer (0/0)
Back to the Roots Amuro (0/0)
Back to the Roots Archimedes (0/0)
Back to the Roots Arco (0/0)
Back to the Roots Alexandra (0/0)
Wittgenstein's Golden Carolie
Grischa v. Casa Dolijn
Tumpiv v. Casa Dolijn
Flemm v. Casa Dolijn
Dadens v. Casa Dolijn
Rubi v. Casa Dolijn
Nova v. Casa Dolijn
Laval v. Casa Dolijn
Oregano (NHSB 2832506)
Kummel (NHSB 2832507)
Dragon (NHSB 2832508)
Thymus (NHSB 2832509)
Mentha (NHSB 2832510)
Salie (NHSB 2832511)
Melissa (NHSB 2832512) (0 - 0)
Kamille (NHSB 2832513)
Lavas (NHSB 2832514)
Vanilla Ice-man v.'t Keijsershof (0-0)
Vanilla Sky v. 't Keijsershof (0-0)
Dts./VDH/Lux. Ch., Lux. J. Ch. Dunsaron Indianna Europasieger 99-01 (0-0)
Dunsaron Rhianna At Dellersbeck
Dunsaron Roseanna
Dunsaron Leanna (0:0)
Precious-Noa v.'t Keijsershof (0-0)
Precious-Presley v. 't keijsershof (0-0)
Rachel Chain van 't Olde Klooster
Daisy Chain van 't Olde Klooster
Ice Chain van 't Olde Klooster
Jumper Chain van 't Olde Klooster
Maverick Chain van 't Olde Klooster
Joyce Chain van 't Olde Klooster
Silence Dream Eastside Dylan (0-0)
Silence Dream Eastsite Dylan
Offspring Jade van 't Olde Klooster
Offspring Lara van 't Olde Klooster
Offspring Sabrah van 't Olde Klooster
Offspring Ashley van 't Olde Klooster

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