
Golden Retriever

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U-CH Legacy Farms First Time in Forever

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

U-CH Legacy Farms First Time in Forever (OFA GR-118627F24F-PI)
Legacy Farm's 5:00 Somewhere
U-CH Legacy Farm's All In The Timing (OFA GR-113465F24F-PI)
Int'l CH Sam Oh Riley of Golden Rose (OFA GR-99022G24M-VPI)
U-CH, Int CH Cleopatra of Golden Rose RE THD CGC URO1 (OFA GR-99051G24F-VPI)
Scess Twilight's All Riled Up
Scess Smithfield Gunnabeworthit
Scess To A Tee
Honors Scess Say What U Will
Honor's Say Cheese (OFA GR-92571G30F-PI)
U-CH/ Intl CH Honor's Promise Jussay D'Word (OFA GR-91460G26F-PI)
Majavin N' Scess Make A Wish
Majavin's Just Jessi (OFA GR-72372G24F-PI)
Minga's Caymans Golden Rose (OFA GR-88985G26F-PI)
Gunsmokes Caymans Point Red (OFA GR-76145F31M-PI)
Gunsmokes Miss Daisy (OFA GR-75353F24F-PI)
Gunsmokes Miss Carla (OFA GR-75749G26F-PI)
CW's Phantom of Blaine (OFA GR-78609E35M-PI)
Cayman's Offshore Dealer **
Capriola's Minga CGC (OFA GR-67914F30F)
Country Lakes Ever After (OFA GR-106190G24F-VPI)
BVISS Am-Can Ch Delmarva Tell'M U R Innocent (OFA GR-90877G28M-PI)
Delmarva Tellem U Went South
Delmarva Tell's Rolloverture
Delmarva Not Tellin Secrets
Delmarva's He'll Never Tell
Delmarva Tell'R She's Mine
Delmarva Telluride Boomerang
Delmarva Kiss But Don't Tell CGC ThD
CH Lycinan's Sweet William CDX TD WC VCX OS (OFA GR-60052F31M-PI)
Starquest Skatin On Thin Ice (OFA GR-78549F24F-PI)
Starquest Champagne On Ice (OFA GR-78647G24F-PI)
Starquest's Italian Ice (OFA GR-80791G31F-PI)
Starquest's Thunder In Paradise (OFA GR-78674G24M-PI)
Starquest's Cool Sensation (OFA 2/2002 Prelim Good)
Land O Lakes Alexis Girl CGC (OFA GR-95127G27F-PI)
Baron's Valiant Applause
Land o lakes Before
Hera Of Land O' Lakes
Land O Lakes Brandy
Land O Lakes Hunter Hamre CGC, TDI
Land O Lakes Talulah Belle
Can. CH. Land O Lake's Show Off CGC (OFA GR-94356G24F-VPI)
AmCH Gowrielea Land O Lakes Valiant CGC (OFA GR-79412F48M-PI)
CanCH Gowrielea's Edison Electric (OFA GR-72866F26M-PI)
CanCH Sidekick Land O Lakes Applause (OFA GR-85419G24F-PI)
Sidekick's Bound For Glory
Can Ch Sidekick's New Beginnings (OFA GR-85465F24-PI)
CAN CH Sidekick's American Idol
Can BIS Can Ch Sidekick's Verdict Is In Can SDHF (OFA GR-85819G24F-PI)
Mex Ch Sidekick's Connor MacLeod
CAN CH Sidekick's Call Of The Wild
Can./Int. Ch Sidekick's Glacier Bear (OFA GR-85370G24-PI)
Can Ch Sidekicks Encore Play'n In Slo (OFA GR-92056F38F-PI)

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