K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Muskelunge's Midnight Charm

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Muskelunge's Midnight Charm (OFA Good)
Sassafras's Black Devil
AmCH Muskelunge's Black Charmer (OFA LR-23682G26M)
AmCH Shadowvale's Prince Charming
SE UCh Am/Can CH Puhs Superman
UK Sh Ch Bradking Black Charm AmCD
Bradking Bonny's Charm of Keysun
AmCH Follytower Bradking Lady Jane
SA Dual Ch Bradking Bonny's Prince of Jeronga
AmCH Barrloc's Chuka Of Muskelunge CDX (OFA LR-17489)
Chip's Of Freedom (OFA Fair)
Karen's Cinder Of Muskellunge
Sal's Sassafras Of Muskelunge
Haverhill's Brown Barrloc (OFA LR-8590)
Haverhill Chestnut Challenger
Haverhill Chesnut Challenger
Borador's Inka Beauty
Borador's Peach Melba (OFA Normal)
AM Ch Borador's Bing Cherry (Normal)
Am.Ch. Borador's Mr Shook (Normal)
Borador Plum Pudding (OFA Normal)
Sal's Sassafras Of Muskelunge
AmCH Barrloc's Chuka Of Muskelunge CDX (OFA LR-17489)
Chip's Of Freedom (OFA Fair)
Karen's Cinder Of Muskellunge
Haverhill's Brown Barrloc (OFA LR-8590)
Haverhill Chestnut Challenger
Haverhill Chesnut Challenger
War Loc
Haverhills Brown Belle (OFA Normal)
Borador's Inka Beauty
Borador's Peach Melba (OFA Normal)
AM Ch Borador's Bing Cherry (Normal)
Am.Ch. Borador's Mr Shook (Normal)
Borador Plum Pudding (OFA Normal)
Am CH Lockerbie Brian Boru WC (OFA LR507)
Twillingate Dutchess
AmCH Shookstown Gimlet's Cinders (OFA LR-4723)

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