
Golden Retriever

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Ch Jov Ec, Ch Ec, Grch Ec Lujogold Eddy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ch Jov Ec, Ch Ec, Grch Ec Lujogold Eddy
Col CH/ Am CH. Ag-Golden Age Porto Alegre OS (OFA GR-100190G26M-VPI)
Ag-Golden Age Bahia
Ag-Golden Age Belo Horizonte
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Ipanema
Multi Biss,Col/Mex/Chi/Arg Ch, Gr.Ch.Pan, Ch.Pan Chaw Kemp Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Tim Duncan Mulder Golden Friend Forever
ch Beyonce Mulder Golden Friend Forever
J.Ch,Ch,GrCH J.Lo Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Kobe Bryant Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Jv.Ch Derek Harpper Mulder Golden Friend Forever
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
Nautilus Rodolfo Un Reno
Nautilus Chloe
Am.Ch Nautilus White Christmas (OFA GR-90438F27M-PI)
Br CH&GCH/ Pam Am CH. La Vie Rose of Sunrise Story
J.Ch Always Star of Brazilian Golden
Lake Side of Sunrise Story
Anyway Happy of Braziliangold
Affluence of Braziliangold
Ch Angel Golden of Braziliangold
London London Of Sunrise Story
Col CH. Ag-Golden Age Genoveva of Nambija (A - A)
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Parzifal of Nambija (A - A)
Ch Ec. Ag Golden Age King Arthur Of Nambija
Ag-Golden Age Hideusa of Nambija
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Duncan of Nambija
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF (OFA GR-85796G30M-PI)
Gr. Ch. Ec. Ag-Golden Age Cuarzo'Intican
J.Ch.Braz. Ag-Golden Age Zafira' Intican
Ch. Col. Ag - Golden Age Onix Intican
Ec CH. Touchstones Heart of Nambija (A-A)
Touchstones Once Na Blu Moon (OFA GR-77068G25F-NOPI)
Int/Nat/CACH-S CH Touchstone's Rhapsody In Blue (OFA GR-81236G39M-PI)
Jov Ch Ec, Venc Jov Am&Car Muibak?s Afectuosa
Storm Warning De Jazz (21483)
BIS.BISS.Ch.Ecuat.Jov.Ch.Bras.Ch.Arg.Ch.Indones. Tiger Woods De Jazz (BVA good)
Roco De Jazz
BIS Ch Ven. Lat. Int. Lib. Jov. Venc. Sicalam Gorca's Taste T' Magic Of M&M's
Am. Ch. Gorca's M&M's Bedazzled (OFA GR-84586G26F-PI)
Fiona de Jazz
CH & GRAND.CH.ARG.CH.Ecuatoriano Jesse James de Jazz
Fame Fatale De Jazz
Poison Ivy de Jazz
CH Ven LIB. Bye Bye Pampa Mia de Jazz
London Bill de Jazz
Ch Cach Ec, Ch Ec Victoria Secret De Jazz
Sex Bomb De Jazz (00)
Sex Machine De Jazz
Vanity Fair de Jazz
BIS.Ch.Arg Moulin Rouge De Jazz
Belle epoque De Jazz
BISS JCH. CH.UR. Be Delicious de Jazz (BVA good)
Very Irresistible De Jazz
JCH, CH Dolce Gabana de Jazz
BISS Arg CH Snowshoe's Luck Of The Draw
Snowshoe Kodiak Lucky Shot (OFA GR-90205G25M-PI)
Snowshoe's Greater Than Luck
BIS BISS Am Ch Snowshoe's Kiss For Luck SDHF (OFA GR-90073G24F-PI)
Beautiful Day U2 de la mascotera
eihwas runas de la mascotera

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