
Golden Retriever

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GCH CH Pennylane November Rain

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

GCH CH Pennylane November Rain
Pennylane Sweet Child O'Mine
MBISS GCHB CH/CanCH Easthill Broxden Woodland Turnip The Volume OS SDHF TDInc (7 years)
BIS BISS GCHP CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce Entertain You OS SDHF (12.5 years)
Easthill Broxden Woodland 24 Carrot Gold
AmCH Easthill Broxden Woodland Fig 'R' Mcgee
Easthill Broxden Woodland's Go Figure
Easthill Woodland Figgy Stardust (11.5 years)
Easthill Broxden Woodland The Fig Apple (11 years)
GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland In Full Fig NAJ
AmCH Easthill Broxden Woodland Eleanor Figsby (11 years)
BIS BISS Am CH Easthill Broxden the Fig Is Up OS SDHF
EastHill Newport's Peachama Party
Ch. Easthill Broxden Venus D Mango SDHF
Easthill Broxden Alexander the Grape
Ch. Easthill Dutchman Amelia Pearhart (12.5 years)
Ch. Easthill Honeydew of Broxden
Am. CH Newport's Get Off My Cloud OS (14.5 years)
Newport's Dutchman Backstreet Girl (14.5 years)
Can CH Newport's Klaasem Start Me Up
Newport's Down Home Girl
BIS BISS Am Ch Teran's Impeachable Offense SDHF OD (15 years)
Am CH Teran's Brass Tacks (12.5 years)
Am CH Woodland Kerry Oakie OD (12 years)
Woodland's Callaway Hole-In-One
BISS Am GCH CH/Can CH Sunjoie 'N Woodland Anyway U Slice It NA NAJ OAP OJP CGC Am/Can SDHF (10.5 years)
Sunjoie's Sage Advice UD RA CCA JH WC CGC (10 years)
Ch. Sunjoie's Great Expectations CGC, RA, BN (7.5 years)
Goodtime's Saltwater Taffy (10.5 years)
Goodtime's Starburst
Pennylane Yankee Just A Dream
MBISS GCH Pennylane Jansun Justin Credible
Am Can CH Nautilus Just A Gigilo OS SDHF (10.5 years)
Th. Ch. Nautilus Moulin Rouge Jstarmr
Nautilus Magik's Just Do It
Ch Nautilus Not Justa Prty Face
AmCH Pebwin XPDNC OS SDHF (10.5 years)
CH Pebwin Xpect The Unxpected OA AXJ OD (12.5 years)
BISS Am. CH Nautilus Flirt In The Jaguar OD
Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Paradise
Nautilus National Lampoon
Nautilus Briggs' Blu Topaz (12 years)
Am. CH Nautilus King of the Jungle
Am. Int. CH Nautilus Scotlandyard Bobby
CH Nautilus Mercedes Benz Rule
Nautilus Taramegs Surfer Gal
Nautilus People R Talking (10 years)
Nautilus Kamio Anna And The King
AmCH Nautilus Fabulous Kisser
Nautilus Crown Victoria
AmCH Nautilus National Anthem
Nautilus Ryvawin Rolls Royce
Nautilus National Velvet
Ur.Br.Ch. Nautilus Summer Sunrise
CH Nautilus Heart of the Ocean
Am.-Can. Ch. Pennylane Yankee Field Of Dreams OD
BIS BISS CH Nautilus Purple Passion SDHF, OS
BIS BISS Am. CH Nautilus Diamond As Big As The Ritz OS SDHF
Nautilus Kiss From A Rose
BISS CH Nautilus Lord of The Rings SDHF
Am CH Nautilus Paris Hilton (11.5 years)
CH Nautilus Cherry Bomb
Am CH. Nautilus Purple Rain OD (13 years)
Nautilus Nikki Hilton
Nautilus Tsuwa Colorme Purpl
Nautilus Your Cheatin Heart
Nautilus Tease The Boys OD (13.5 years)
Am CH Nautilus Valentines Deep Purple
Am./Can.CH. Pennylaneyankeecenterfieldstar OD (10 years)
Pennylane's Golden Angel Kayla
Pennylane Yankee Skipper (12.5 years)
Pennylane's Yankee Clipper
CAN.CH. Pennylane's The Legend Continues (11 years)
Pennylane's Yankee Allstar MVP
Penny Lane Handsome Cab

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