
Golden Retriever

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Aust Ch Ferngold Hannah

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Aust Ch Ferngold Hannah
Ferngold Edwina
Aust Ch Ferngold Glen Sovereign
Aust Ch Ferngold Gay Elizabeth
Ferngold Melissa
Aust Ch Ferngold Michael
Ferngold Montrose
Aust Ch Kyvalley Watergleam
Kyvalley Will O' The Wisp (Other 127348)
Aust. CH. Glennessa Seahawk Of Stenbury (102669/64)
Eng. CH. Glennessa Seashanta of Stenbury
Searose Of Stenbury (Other KC Reg.)
Glennessa Kim Of Zam Zammah
Aust Ch Bonspiel Gold Glint
Bonnie Annabelle
Aust Ch Edmay Day Dawn
Aust Ch Bonspiel Rajah
Aust Ch Bonspiel Joy
Aust CH Bonspiel Bambi (Other 3771/56)
Bonspiel Pauline
AUS Ch Edmay Donna
Bonspiel Crustie
Aust Ch Nayr Melodymaker
Aust Ch Kyvalley Watergleam
Kyvalley Will O' The Wisp (Other 127348)
Lessaline Golden Narelle
Aust Ch Ferngold Gay Skybelle (Other Q 169867)
Aust Ch Ferngold Glen Sovereign
Aust Ch Ferngold Gay Elizabeth
Ferngold Melissa
Aust Ch Ferngold Michael
Ferngold Montrose
Aust Ch Kyvalley Watergleam
Kyvalley Will O' The Wisp (Other 127348)
Aust Ch Nayr Melodymaker
Cambronze Caldora
Glenhuntly Cadet
Aust. CH Camrose Antanya (ANKC 6148/68)
Camrose Wevatanya (AKC SA634027 (8/70))
Camrose Aquenta of Sladeham

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