
Golden Retriever

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Easydog's Brave Fly

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Easydog's Brave Fly
Easydog's Brave Kim (4 years)
Easydog's Brave Sunny
Koffstalunds Clark (13.5 years)
Koffstalunds Cooper
Koffstalunds Chess
Koffstalunds Candy
Koffstalunds Cosy
Koffstalunds Classy
Koffstalunds Cheery
Airborne Goldwings Esprit
Airborne Goldwings Eaton
Airborne Goldwings Ennio-Andro
Airborne Goldwings Eika
Airborne Goldwings Elle
Airborne Goldwings Elliot
Airborne Goldwings Ella
Tuckamore's Torngat
Airborne Goldwings Sina
Pickups T?rna
Pickups Vigg
Pickups Gylling
Pickups Glada
Kopparhults Mito
Kopparhults Malva
Kopparhults Maer til Vassruggen
Kopparhults Mysa
Pickups Can Ada
Pickups Cana Dick
Enki's Elly von Bauernhirschtal (12.5 years)
Enki's Edison von Bauernhirschtal
Enki's Enzo von Bauernhirschtal
Enki`s Ecco von Bauernhirschtal
Enki's Easy von Bauernhirschtal (13.5 years)
Enki`s Edda von Bauernhirschtal
Enki's Emely von Bauernhirschtal (14.5 years)
Enki`s Enny von Bauernhirschtal
Enki's Enya von Bauernhirschtal
Enki`s Enzi von Bauernhirschtal
Enki`s Espe von Bauernhirschtal
Enki's Espo von Bauernhirschtal
Buttacre Hardy Headliner
Buttacre Haughty Hint
Buttacre Hopes are High
Alquin V D Gouden Veld
Asti van het Gouden Veld
Buttacre Dutchess Do or Die
Buttacre Delta Dancer
Buttacre Devious Diehard
Bell Oktave Ally (11.5 years)
Int.FT.Ch. Bell Oktave Apollo (15 years)
Bell Oktave Amber Ginger
Bell Oktave Amigo
Bell Oktave Amor
Bell Oktave Annie
Bell Oktave Aron
Bell Oktave Asco
Bell Oktave Athos
Seamas Mhor of Clancallum (13.5 years)
Tender of Alster
Dunnock of Beeston
SJCH Tatmore Snipe
FRJCH Cosmo of Lubberland (4 years)
Camelot of Lubberland

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