
Golden Retriever

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BWR Duke's Golden Boy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

BWR Duke's Golden Boy
BWR Sir Duke Of Roy
BWR Calamity Jane
BWR Lady Lucy Of Rose
BWR Duke Of Smoke'N Sage
Lauren's Kodiak
Princess Ann of Pleasant Oak
Sagacious Sirius of Charlton SH
Wahkiakum's Apache Star
Curiosity of Sunbreaker
FC AFC Windbreakers Mighty Mo OS FDHF (15 years)
Windbreakers Ocean Pacific WC
Mallardiths Rowdy JH
FC AFC Windbreakers Smoke'n Zigzag OD FDHF (11 years)
Tartan Windbreaker
Windbreaker's Gold Huntress
Windbreaker Echo Of Topbrass *** OD
FTCH AFTCH CanOTCH Windbreaker Bulrush Buddy Can FDHF Am CDX OS (11.5 years)
Windbreakers Shuttle Express MH
Smoke'n Red's Howlin Mad
Frisbies Enchanted Case-Y ***
Sharham's Flash Of Gold ***
NAFTCH FTCH Brasdor's Razzl Dazzl Am. *** OD Can. FDHF (12.5 years)
Dusty's Golden Destiny **
Windbreaker's Smoke'n Top Gun
Windbreakers Desert Dust *** OD
FC AFC Topbrass Windbreaker Zap OS FDHF
FTCH Windbreakers Khaki Kipp Am *** Can. CDX
Frisbies Olympia Gold ** OS
Windbreakers Red Smoke ***
Windbreakers Pandemonium ***
Windbreaker's Scout's Honor ***
Windbreakers Smoken Sunrise WCX *** (6 years)
Windbreakers Pestuous Gale SH
Windbreakers Sparklen Saber
Tigathoe's Burnout
Hot Shot Sugar Britches
Windbreakers Razzle Dazzle
Razz's Smoke'n Dixie Belle
Smoke'n Red's Southern Comfort
Smoke 'N Red Raider ***
MHR Sunshine Otis Spunkmeyer MH WCX *** (13.5 years)
Windbreakers Magic Carpet JH
Windbreaker's Roxy Roller WCX ***
Wahkiakum's Ray Of Sun
Wahkiakum's Princess Red Fox
Wahkiakum's Puff Of Smoke
Wahkiakum's Golden Chief
Kristoffer Koko Lynn
Wahkiakum's Rusty Rover
K C Hunter's Gold
Lady's Golden Hannah
Wahkiakum's Thunder Cloud
Wahkiakum's Golden Warrior
Lady Gingersnap Of Pleasant
Captain Jake of Decoy
Sir Boo of Golden Pride
Marigold Finnegan Day
Yore A Golden Lady
Maximum Chesterfield Gold
BWR Brandy Rose
Clark Smith
Ben Franklin Gregory
Henry Of Tammany Creek
Goans Rascal Jack
Heinrich Der Stoeberhund
Reba Love Sun
Cda Cross' Bit of Love
Cd'a Cross Bit Of Sun
Zippy Zee White
Amey Rose Dawn
Denims Taxi Vader of Kazak Am./Can. CD
Am. CH Skips VanReel Rockyrd Kazak (9 years)
Am. CH M And M's Fur Real Vanreel
Am. CH. Vanreel's Absolutely Awsum OD (10.5 years)
Am. CH VanReel's Mister Hollywood
Am. CH Kazak's Marsha Mallow
Am. CH Stonecrest Whitney's Delight
Am. CH Monogram's Grand Finale (10.5 years)
Vanreels Amador Enchantress
Vanreels Jericho Victory
Gold-Rush The Right Stuff
Am. CH Calicos Challenge Of VanReel (9 years)
Am. CH Dalanes VanReel Auburn (11 years)
CH Vanreels Blonde Bombshell CD JH WC (7.5 years)
CH Vanreel's Max-N-Mom Effort OS SDHF (6.5 years)
Vanreel's Cory Of Shiloh
Gold-Rush Grand Allegro A-B
Kazak's Jilly-Bean
Am. CH. VanReel Magnum of Stonecrest CD OS SDHF, HIT (10.5 years)
Tijac's Irish Kathleen CD
Tijac's Shamrock'n Roll

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