
Golden Retriever

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Cooper Berryman

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Cooper Berryman (AKC SR86575503)
Rush of Zealand B
Kennebecasis Hunter's Gamekeeper (AKC SR66098505)
Goldbrooks Rush Of Gold (AKC SR41600606)
Bailey Bears Sutter Rush (AKC SN81529402)
Sutter Creek's Beeline (AKC SN815294/01)
Madison's Touch Of Gold (AKC SR06622406)
Hydeaways Golden Delight (AKC SR06622402)
Ruby Lyn France (AKC SR15660006)
Bridgit Higgings (AKC SR15660004)
Hunter Merritt (AKC SN86448904 (12/02))
Jasmen Merritt (AKC SN85986002)
Liberty Belle Van Allen (AKC SR00609608 (6-04))
Abbey's Springtime Angel Baby (AKC SR00609610 (6-03))
Molly Of Weathersfield (AKC SR75009807)
Avery Of Weathersfield (AKC SR78257310)
Colby Of Weathersfield (AKC SR17603604)
Pearsons Montana Dreamer (SN55487901)
Robin's Golden Aura (AKC SN55487911)
Shore's Honey (SN87058302)
Bailey Of Weathersfield (AKC SR52002803)
Romeo Sweet Desire (AKC SR16350801 (8-06))
Surfs Up Seamus Of Wild Mtn (AKC SR43807802 (5-09))
Sierra of Weathersfield (AKC SN82838504)
Lawdawg Wyatt Earp (AKC SN57614409 (11-99))

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