
Golden Retriever

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Chantelle Trailblazer CDX, BN, RM, NAP, CCA, THDN, CGCA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Chantelle Trailblazer CDX, BN, RM, NAP, CCA, THDN, CGCA (AKC SR79094304)
Can. Ch. Chantelle Let Them Eat Cake BISS, BOSS (AKC SR79094301)
Chantelle Sumthing 2 Talk About (AKC SR79094302)
Chantelle Semper Bravo Fidelis CDX, BN, RAE, THD, CGC, CCA (AKC SR79094309)
Chantelle Whispers Softly Psalm 55 (AKC SR79094308)
CH. Chantelle It's Five O'Clock Somewhere CCA (AKC SR66412908)
Chantelle Miel Dore TDI
GCHG MBISS Chantelle Barefoot In The Park RN CGCA TKI BISS SDHF (AKC SR66412902)
Chantelle Let Your Colors Burst CCA (AKC SR66412901)
Am./Can. CH. Chantelle On Your Mark CGC OS (AKC SR10969701)
Chantelle Take Aim at Medallion (AKC SR15770303)
Medallion Starring Role (AKC SN91130003)
Ellie Mae Hamner (AKC SN91130007)
Medallion Stargazer (AKC SN91130001)
Medallion Morning Star (AKC SN91130006)
BIS BISS Am. CH. Malagold Stars-N-Stripes OS SDHF (AKC SN083266/01)
Am/Can CH Medallion All Decked Out (AKC SN69195503)
Medallion Molly
Medallion Nick
Medallion Arlo
Chantelle Pegged At First (AKC SN36027901)
Chantelle Ozzie
Chantelle Stella
Sweetgrass Double Your Bet (AKC SM896540/01)
Sweetgrass dog owned by Kadel's
Trifecta Chantelle Mint Tea (AKC SM702911/01)
Trifecta's Karamor Tea Rose (AKC SF-712725)
Trifecta 'N Revellie's T For Two CD (SF-687963)
Trifecta Ginger-N-Spice CD (SM702911/)
Sunbeam Chantelle W'Eight Until Dark TDI (AKC SR46485401)
Sunbeam New York Steight Of Mind (AKC SR46485403)
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Sunbeam's Cruise Control SDHF OS (AKC SN37226001 (6-98))
Am./Can. CH. Sunbeam Byond Control at Starducks (AKC SN372260/02)
BIS BISS Am-Can CH. Birnam Wood Amaize 'N Blue OS SDHF (AKC SF-562930)
Kindred Birnam Wood Hot Pink (AKC SF555942)
Birnam Wood Nautilus Kashmir (AKC SF-689797)
Kindred Birnam Wood Red Hot (AKC SF663304)
Can Ch. Birnam Wood's Ultra Violet (AKC SF571000)
Birnam Wood's Pink Flamingo (AKC SF534425)
BISS Am. CH Keane's Nutmeg Pippin OD (AKC SM89121203 (8-95))
Keane's D'Arcy Spice (AKC SM89121205)
Keane's Bascombe Mystery (AKC SM89121207)
Keane's Sunbeam Excalibur (AKC SM891212/01)
JKC.CH/93.5 Keane's Royal Gala (Other RG-22809/94-0)
Sunbeams Brie For All (AKC SR16557304)
Int CH Sunbeam Fontina Turner NAJ RE CGC TDI (AKC SR16557306)
Am CH Sunbeam Toasty Rock N Roquefort (AKC SR16557307)
Ch. Sunbeam Toasty Miss Gouda Two Shoes (AKC SR16557301)
Am Ch Toasty's Race For Love SDHF BISS (AKC SN71400303)
Am. CH. Toasty's Hello Dolly SDHF (AKC SN71400301)
Am CH Sunbeams Scene Stealer OD (AKC SN62695101 (5-02))
Am/Can CH Sunbeam's Creating a Scene CDX RN (AKC SN626951/02)

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