
Golden Retriever

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Jn Ch Rus, Jn Club Ch Lammin Suo Zibute is Lietuvos

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jn Ch Rus, Jn Club Ch Lammin Suo Zibute is Lietuvos
CIE,BALT JW'08,LTU,EST,LV,BALT,RUS,POL Jch Nenuoramos My Marchello TOP Veteran in Lithuania of All breeds'15,16
LT*LV*EST*BALT Jch Nenuoramos Mr.Martin
Nenuoramos Magic Song Res-CC (FCI S69266/2007)
CIE,CIB,LTU,EST,LV,BALT,RUS,POL Ch Nenuoramos Magic Macota
Guess Nashville (FCI S29513/2004)
Guess Newsweek
Chaveni's Wellington (Other SwedKC #S33347/2003)
Chaveni's Wait 'N See CACIB (Other SwedKC # S43683/200)
Chaveni's Willy Nilly
NUCH Chaveni's Water Fantasy (Other N06206/02)
SU(U)CH Guess Money For Nothing (S47324/98)
CIE,CIB,LT-LV-EE-BALT-RUS-BY-PL CH, LT-LV JCH Nenuoramos Yellow Jamaica 7 CACIB, TOP Dog in Lithuania of All breeds'15, TOP Golden2015
ChPL,JrChPL,ClubWinnerPL2004 BARBO Scandinavia Finland
Int'l CH Basic Scandinavia Finland (Other JR73156)
CH SK, Grand CH SK Bren Scandinavia Finland (Other SPKP 1128)
Big Irmandino Scandinavia Finland
Bebita Scandinavia Finland
CZ + SK Ch, JCh SK Beauty Queen Scandinavia Finland Best bitch 2003, 2004, Club Junior winner (Other ČLP/GR/6444/04)
Bara Scandinavia Finland (Other CLP/GR/6445/03 CZE)
Bianca Scandinavia Finland (Other CLP/GR/6443/04)
LTU,LV,RUS CH Blansa Herkus
Baleta Herkus (Other 0028)
ChLit, Lat, Est, Bye, Bal Britanis Herkus
Int Ch, Ch Lth, Bel, Ukr, Rus, Club, Jn Ch Rus Lammin Suo Vanille Parfume
Lammin Suo Virginia
Ch Rus, RKF, Jn Ch Rus Lammin Suo Violon D'Ingres
Lammin Suo Velvet Fragrance
Lammin Suo Vesper
Lammin Suo Vivaldi
Lammin Suo Ville de Paris
Lammin Suo Valencia
Ch Rus Lammin Suo Violetta
Ch Rus, Ch RKF, Club Ch Lammin Suo Versilia
Ch Rus, Int Ch, Grand Ch, Club Ch Trufel iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Int Ch, Grand Ch, Ch Rus, Ch Kaz Trafic iz Sokolinogo Gnezda JCh Rus, Ch Rus Club, RKF (RKF 2031047)
C.I.E.,C.I.B.,JCh UA,MOL,BG,MAC,RUS, SuperGrChUA Todes iz Sokolinogo Gnezda Ch MOL,UA,BIR,BG,RUS,MAC,GrCh BIR, BG, MOL, RUS (Other RKF 2031049)
Ch.Rus Club Ch Truffle iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
Taller Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda (AKC SR52328601 (1/09))
C.I.E,LTU&SWE(show)CH,FIN JW-01&FIN W-07,VetWW`10 Royal Salute du Pays de Boheme (Other LOF8RET.GOL. 033405)
The French Kiss du Pays de Boheme
Royal Rapsodie du Pays de Boheme
The Ocean Wave du Pays de Boheme
Royal Prince du Pays de Boheme
The Lily of-the-Valley du Pays de Boheme (Other SHSB 637679)
ICH, TRIALER Royal Commander du Pays de Boheme (FCI LOF8 33406/5511)
Royal Princess du Pays de Boheme
Int.Swiss Ch & Trialer Royal Angel du Pays de Boheme
IntCh, ChRUS, LIT, EST, MONT, RKF, LIT WINNER2006 Enessi iz Stolitsy Urala (Other RKF 1693239)
E'Laky iz Stolitsy Urala
JRUS CH RUS CH Evrazia Iz Stolitsy Urala
Ch Rus, Jn Ch Rus, Club Ch Lammin Suo Azalea Indica
Ch Rus, Jn Ch Rus Lammin Suo Arnica Montana
IntCh, GrChRus, ChRus, Bye, RKF, NRC Rossmix No Secrets (Unknown S 20136/04)
Rossmix No Rain Today (Other 063069/08904)
Ch Rus, Jn Ch Rus Ambergold GK Canzone con Amore
Ambergold GK Cantus Firmus
Ambergold GK Concerto Grosso
AMBERGOLD GK Cor de Chasse
Ch Rus, RKF, Jn Ch Rus Ambergold GK Carol Clarens
AMBERGOLD GK Cantilena Ciara

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