
Golden Retriever

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You Rock My World v.d. Loenense Hoeve

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

You Rock My World v.d. Loenense Hoeve (FCI 2968594)
Human Nature v.d. Loenense Hoeve
Liberian Girl v.d. Loenense Hoeve (FCI NHSB 2968592)
Will you be there v.d. Loenense Hoeve (FCI 2968590)
Flying Kangaroo Ighor (Other 1065181)
Flying Kangaroo Hutte
Flying Kangaroo Henna
Flying kangaroo Iuppy (1065189)
F.T.Ch élite A DUAL CH -CH BEAU ET BON Vaillant des Fields de Mauny (Other LOF 057031/08405)
Valse des Fields de Mauny
Van Gogh des Fields de Mauny
Voila Sakura des Fields de Mauny
Dual Ch. PI.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Over The Rainbow (Other LO98143960)
Royal Crest Gold-n Double Eagle (FCI LO0289749)
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubletake (FCI LO0289754)
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubledare
It. Ch.,Int.Ch Royal Crest Gold-n Double Indemnity
Granroche Classic Love
FT CH RL des Fields de Mauny
CHIB, CHCH, CHLU, CHTF, CHBBF Romeo des Fields de Mauny (Other LOF 29428/5037)
Rainbow des Fields de Mauny
Rebeka des Fields de Mauny
Donna van de Schamsedijk
Wheatons Xanthos
Wheaton's Xcess (LOSH 0824536)
Wheaton's Yewel
F.T. Winner Wheaton's Xtravagant
Wheaton's Zekernvast (NHSB 0879782)
Wheaton's Zenith
Wheaton's Ailigean (NHSB 2412139)
Wheaton's After All
Wheaton's Youngunner (LOSH 847873)
Wheaton's Xanttos (FCI 0824531)
Xena van de Schamsedijk (FCI 0825258)
One of Us v.d. loenense hoeve (Unknown 2733841)
Dancing Queen v.d. Loenense Hoeve
Voulez Vous v.d. Loenense Hoeve
Name of the Game v.d. Loenense Hoeve (Other NHSB 2733834)
Head over Heels v.d. loenense hoeve
Super Trouper van de Loenense Hoeve (Other NHSB2733839)
Summer Night City v.d Loenense Hoeve
Abnalls Roland (Other NHSB 2510322 IMP.(E)
Abnalls Benjamin of Marshflight
Abnalls Barley of Deadcraft
Abnalls Rachelle of Deadcraft
Abnalls Beau Brummel of Tauvechan (AH02054001)
Abnalls Rodney af Go Wild (UKC AE00477903)
Abnalls Rory (Other DKK 17285/04)
Tauvechan Minstrel
Tauvechan Meteor
Tauvechan Marguerite
Tauvechan Medlar
Tauvechan Melody
Tauvechan Mimosa
Tauvechan Myrtle of Tarinomagh
Tauvechan Magic
Tauvechan Magnum
Abnalls Cleopatra
Abnalls Cordelia of Lingholme (Z1237708Z01)
Abnalls Cassidy of Eastdale
Abnalls Carry
Abnalls Clever Clogs of Catcombe
Abnalls Connor
Abnalls Carina
Abnalls Clarissa
Abnalls Crystal
Abnalls Cassandra
One and Only Indy v.d. Loenense Hoeve
Way-Out's Hunting Yoram (NHSB 2239079)
Way-Out's Hunting Mitch (NHSB 2239078)
Way-Out's Tricky Nicky (NHSB 2239087)
Way-Out's Justine (NHSB 2239085)
Way-Out's Wrapping (NHSB 2239084)
Way-Out's Tobi (NHSB 2239082)
Way-Out's Mazzel (NHSB 2239080)
Way-Out's Nova (NHSB 2239086)
Way-Out's Sunshine Excellent (NHSB 2239081)
Way-Out's Glenn (NHSB 2239083)
Handy Jamy v.h. Wiekse Veld

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