
Golden Retriever

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Mittelstaedt's Flying Topaz WCX

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mittelstaedt's Flying Topaz WCX
Dusty Duchess
Belle's Rusty Boy Dusty
Belle's Rusty Boy
Shaun O'Hara
Rock's Rusty Red
Bell's Ginger Snap
Dawn's Golden Rusty
Bell's Dawn
Duke Of Rusty
Peter The Valiant
Maple Leaf's Cinderella CDX
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Shamrock OS (11.5 years)
Brandy Wine Of Bellecrest
Waywick's Royal Venturous
Waywick's Majestic Venture CD
Zuercher's All Spice Tweed
Newell's Tweed Of Spun Gold
D J's Sal Of Waywick
D J's Miss Goldust
Princess Kelly Red
Golden Flip Of Honeycroft
Gelbe Of Strigenz Moraine
Tawny's Topaz
Satin Susan Of Ashford
Patterson's Rustic Amber
Handjem's Big Red
Sherman's Sunglow
Lady Ginger Of Handjem
Poika of Handjem OS (13 years)
D'Artagnan Of Handjem **
Patrick of Handjem
Handjem's Creme De Cocoa
Brandy Queen Of Albany
Schulenberg's Tawny Chip
Viscount McHenry
Sandy VII (SA529893)
Ken's Christmas Candice
Mistress Tawny Tempest
Misty Golden Cub
Windy Hollow's Brandy
Pamela's Cinnamon
Dextra (SA352104)
Stardust's Golden Lad

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