K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Gospelash Shadow

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gospelash Shadow
Leaworthy Samuel of Gospelash (BVA 5/2)
Leaworthy Albert
Leaworthy Bella
Leaworthy Bobby
Leaworthy Edward at Cordomsal
Leaworthy Ella
Leaworthy Jimmy
Leaworthy Lilly
Leaworthy Rocky
FTCh Waterford Ganton (BVA 3/4)
Waterford Gairloch
Waterford Gem
Waterford Gusto
Waterford Ghillie of Wendearose (3/3)
FTCh Waterford Galahad of Tasco (BVA 3/6)
Waterford Gamble of Dipplelodge (6/7)
FTW Endacott Kite of Chisbrook (BVA 3/2)
Wendearose Franc
Wendearose Copper
Wendearose Penny
Wendearose Ruble (6/6)
Wendearose Nickel of Roundcopse (2/2)
Wendearose Euro
Endacott Kestrel
Endacott Kudu (3/4)
Endacott Kane (4/4)
Endacott Kittiwake (5/5)
Endacott Kiwi (4/8)
Endacott Kess (5/5)
FTW Wendearose Dime (BVA 4/3)
Wendearose Lira of Decies
Wendearose Dollar (A1)
FTCh Waterford Easter (BVA 0/0)
Waterford Endeavour (6/34)
FTW Waterford Envoy of Heathergaye (3/3)
Int.FTCh Waterford Edward of Tasco (5/8)
Waterford Elvis
Waterford Ember of Abney
Waterford Elcamino
Leaworthy Jessie (BVA 3:3)
Leaworthy Almond of Gospelash (BVA 7:5)
Leaworthy Gordanna
Leaworthy Blue
Leaworthy Lottie
Leaworthy Lovely
Leaworthy of Ash Mill
Leaworthy Sam
FTCh Mediterian Blue (BVA 5/4)
FTW Ceader View (3/4)
Beach Comba of Liddlesbrook (BVA 4/4)
Ebony Black as Night (7/9)
Summer Satin (24/7)
Mustard Spice
Ash Coppice
Hopefull Willow
Teak Street
Artic White
Wyvernaxe Annabel of Highdunscott (BVA 2/2)
Wyvernaxe Elizabeth Of Flintriver (3/6)
Gospelash Apple (BVA 2:4)
Gospelash Arnie (BVA 02)
FTCh Lafayette Tolley (BVA 8/8)
Lafayette Tarka (BVA 3/3)
Lafayette Quail (BVA 1/1)
Lafayette Bracken
Lafayette Lombarda
FTW Middlebere Briar of Gospelash (BVA 5/8)
Middlebere Bertie
Gospelash Asp (4/4)
FTCh Pocklea Adder (BVA 3/3)
Pocklea Alex
Pocklea Adam
Pocklea Andey
Pocklea Asp
FTW Pocklea Abba (OFA LR-138668G44F-PI)
Pocklea Apache
Pocklea Amy
FTW Middlebere Dione of Gospelash (6:6)
Middlebere Debbie (9/6)

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