Keanu Reeves of Kinsales Spirit (FCI HD B) Knock on Wood of Kinsales Spirit Kathleen of Kinsales Spirit (HD C) Kimberley of Kinsales Spirit (FCI HD B) Kindest Girl of Kinsales Spirit Keep Smiling of Kinsales Spirit Keira Knightley of Kinsales Spirit | Multi JCH, Multi Ch Bonett Bride Double Decker EUROPEAN WINNER 2011+BOB (BVA 3:4) | | Österr. Veteranen-Champion It's Alice of Kinsales Spirit Veteran Danube Winner 2022 (FCI HD A 2014) It's Shirley of Kinsales Spirit It's Dave of Kinsales Spirit It's Jerry of Kinsales Spirit (HD B2) It's Dylan of Kinsales Spirit (HD A (2014)) It's Morrison of Kinsales Spirit (HD A 2014) It's Ray of Kinsales Spirit (HD A (2015)) | CIE, CIB, ?JCh, ?Ch, HRCH, SKCH, SLCH, HUCH, CZCH Race The Sun de Ria Vela Top Dog 2012 (A/A 2010) Raggio Di Sole De Ria Vela (A (2010)) roma eterna de ria vela And. CH. Romanza de Ria Vela (A (2011)) MltCh, JChRus & NRC, Bye Romeo de Ria Vela Mak/Cher/Bul/Mol/Rom/Ser/Bal Ch Remember Me de Ria Vela (BVA 4:4) | | Felicite du Bois de la Rayere (FCI HD A, 2011) Ch.IB / Ch.IE / VDH.Ch Forest Gump du Bois de la Ray?re (FCI A (2011)) Flower du Bois de la Ray?re (FCI A/2.) Fabulous du Bois de la Rayere (C (2011)) Dt. CH VDH, Dt. CH Club Figo du Bois de la Ray?re (FCI A2) | |