
Golden Retriever

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Bearcreek's Just Part Of The Gang

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Bearcreek's Just Part Of The Gang (AKC SR72232601)
Amberac's Defender At Bearcreek CCA (AKC SR02851601 (3/05))
U-CDX Amberac Lakeridge Reflection CDX TD (AKC SR02851605)
BISS Am. Ch. Amberac Yer Chips R Taykin SDHF OS (AKC SN56160101 (11-99))
Am. CH. BISS Amberac When Yer-Hot Yer-Hot (AKC SN56160103)
Am CH Amberac Surrprise Me Wi'A Kiss (AKC SN627701/07)
Amberac I Luv Surrprises CD JH WCX NAJ CGC TDI (AKC SN62770103)
Am. CH Amberac I Like Yer Style Zoe (AKC SN56160102)
Amberac Taykin By Surrprise (AKC SN62770101)
Amberac Wadda Surrprise (AKC SN62770102)
Amberac Big Surrprise At Croix (AKC SN62770104)
Amberac Surrprise Its Marty (AKC SN62770105)
Amberac Surrprise-Surrprise (AKC SN62770106)
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS (AKC SN12123008 (9/95))
Sg's My Sunny Day (AKC SN12123001)
Sg's Hold Me Closer (AKC SN12123003)
Sg's Anybody's Choice (AKC SN12123004)
Sg's Ready To Play (AKC SN12123006)
Sg's Yours And Yours Alone (AKC SN12123007)
Ch. Amberac Yer Not Ms. Taykin OD (AKC SN30267302)
Amberac At Free-Zing Point (AKC SN249646/04)
Am. CH. Amberac's Free-Zer Plee-Zer (AKC SN24964607)
Am CH Amberac Taykin It To Th' Limit (AKC SN30267304)
Amberac's Free Load N Phoebe (AKC SN24964601)
Amberac Ft Loose N Fancy Free (AKC SN24964602)
Amberac The Sugar Free Bee (AKC SN24964603)
Amberac Hesa Free Espirit (AKC SN24964605)
Amberac's Snickers (AKC SN24964606)
Amberac I'm Taykin Th' Fifth (AKC SN30267301)
Amberac's Givin' N' Taykin (AKC SN30267303)
Amberac's Taykin Furgranit (AKC SN30267305)
Amberac Taykin It Easy (AKC SN30267306)
Amberac's Ona Fantasy Fling (AKC SN79711701)
Amberac-Chien d'Or's Freedom Ranger (AKC SN85623701)
AmCH Amberac Ramala Surfurr OS SDHF (AKC SN13531501 (4/95))
Amberac Ramala Surfit Myway (AKC SN13531502)
Amberac Ramala Surf's Up (AKC SN13531503)
Amberac Ramala Surf Holidais (AKC SN13531504)
Amberac's Par-T Doll (AKC SN65168901)
Am CH Amberac's Par-T Streamers (AKC SN65168903)
Amberac It's Par-T Time (AKC SN65168902)
Kandiland's Kudos (AKC SR58647801)
AmGCH Am/CanCH St Andrew's Touring Da USA BISS (AKC SR35872501)
St Andrew Juneau You Love Me OD (AKC SR35872507 (4-11))
CH St Andrew What Happens In Vegas (AKC SR35872508)
Am-Can CH Karagold's Kruz'N Coast T'Coast OS SDHF BISS (AKC SR16857403)
KaraGold's Counter Top Kruz'r (AKC SR16857401)
Karagold's Secret Agent (AKC SR31813802)
KaraGold's Can U Keep A Secret? (AKC SR31813801)
Am-Can CH KaraGold?s Kruz'N W'The Topdown BISS (AKC SR16857402)
Am/Can CH St Andrew Just Have To Have It OD (AKC SN 88427803)
Am. Ch. Kandiland's Honor Roll (AKC SN 92487601)
CH Kandiland Just Four Laughs (AKC SR28184201)
U-CDX Kandiland's Four Golden Pawed Dreamsicle UD (AKC SR28184205)
Kandiland Derspinna's High roller (AKC SN92487604)
Am.Can.Ch. Kandiland's Rock N' Roll (AKC SN92487605)
Kandiland A Good Mile High (AKC SR210246/05)
AM CH, BR CH, SHR Kandiland Justice Four All JH RN WC CGC (AKC SR28184203)
Kandiland Courage and Liberty
Kandiland's Good Thinking (AKC SR21024603)
Kandiland Good Harbor
Kandiland Rolls With Macintosh (AKC SN92487602)
Kandiland Goldust Star Four R&R (AKC SR28184206)
Kandiland To Golden Castle Tango (AKC SR28184209)
Kandiland's Good Night Moon (AKC SR210246/02)
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF (AKC SN66921801 (12-00))
Ch.Ven. Gorca's Isis
Am. Ch. Gorca's Bewitched (AKC SN66920901)
Am. CH Gorca's Sandpiper Morgana (AKC SN669213/01 (6/03))
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's All the Rite Stuf OD (AKC SN66442701)
AM. CH. Kandiland's Rite It Down (AKC SN66442705)
Kandiland Quincyridge Baylee (AKC SN66442706)
Can. CH. Kandilands Turn The Other Cheek (AKC SN84030607)
Am./Can. CH. Kandiland's Major Point (AKC SN46937701)
Ch Kandiland's All Points Bulletin OD (AKC SN469377/06)
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's Turn At Forest Creek (AKC SN840306/02)
Kandiland Turn Me Loose (AKC SN84030601)
Br.Ar.Ch Kandiland BumBum Rockefeller (AKC SN46937711)
Kandiland Point Theway To Gracre (AKC SN46937703 (2/99))
Am. CH. Kandilands Yall Rite Bubba (AKC SN66442702)
Kandiland's Get To The Point (AKC SN46937709)
Ch. Kandiland She's My Rite Handman OD (AKC SN664427/04)
Am. CH. Kandiland's On The Rite Track (AKC SN66442703)
Arg Ch Kandiland Bambam Rockefeller (AKC SN46937712)

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