
Golden Retriever

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Rob Roy of Raleighwood

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rob Roy of Raleighwood
Am. CH. Donneybrook ** (10.5 years)
Flare's Ginger Snap
Krisan's Brush Beater
Krisan's Bird Boy (13.5 years)
Krisan's Brassie Lassie (12 years)
Am. CH. Krisan's Aristocratic Lady
Krisan's Accent-On-Charm
Krisan's Agile Huntress CDX
Krisans Apache
Krisans Astoria
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Colonel UD *** OBHF (11 years)
Indian Knoll's Cocola Mocco CD
Indian Knoll's Rebel Image
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Miss Charm CD
Indian Knoll's Gay Sparkle
Indian Knoll's Sharpshooter
Indian Knoll's Sunny Gal
Indian Knoll's Starlight
Sun Dance's Flare OD
Sun Dance's Flamelight CD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF (11 years)
Indian Knoll's Roc-Wood
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-N-Rye
Indian Knolls Roc-Candi
Sun Dance's Carla CD
Sun Dance's Cameo
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Brandy CD *
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bruce CDX
Sun Dance's Brass UD OBHF
Sun Dance's Sunny CD
Sun Dance's Boyce UD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS (13 years)
Beall's Aggie
Princess Sugar Rika
Somerset's Firebrand
Laddie's Rowdy
FC AFC Tyson Rowdy FDHF
Webkap Potato Chip
Webkap Jolly
Webkap's Buster Brown ***
Nubbins (S946610)
FC AFC Oakcreek's Sir Dorchester OS FDHF (9 years)
Oakcreek's Golden Mu
Oakcreek's Golden Duke
Oakcreek's Iota
Oakcreek's Omicron
Oakcreek's Grand Mu
Regina of Keystone **
Tammy Of Tamarack
Keystone's Beauty
Golden Knoll's Tammy
Keystone's Toni
Eloise's Little Sissie
Sid (SA015196)
Oakcreek's Golden Dutchess
Citation By Ty
Oakcreek's Golden Jean
Oakcreek's Golden Rose
Oakcreek's Sir James
Oakcreek's Golden Winema
Oakcreek's Golden Princess II **
FC AFC Oakcreek's Fremont FDHF
Des Lac's Carat **
Des Lacs Golden Sally
Des Lacs Fancheon
Des Lacs Deuce of Mermaid
Des Lacs Ace Of Mermaid
AmCH Des Lacs Golden Babe
AmCH Des Lacs Golden Fire
AmCH Des Lacs Golden Flame
AmCH Des Lacs Golden Flyer
AmCH Des Lacs Goldie CD ** OD
Des Lacs Judge Of Kingswere
Des Lacs Golden Dawn
Des Lacs Golden Streak
Des Lacs Rex
Des Lacs Sunny Boy
AmCH Des Lac Lassie II OD
Des Lacs Lassie's Sugar Plum
Des Lacs Lassie's Angel

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