
Golden Retriever

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Harborview Cozy Keepsake

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Harborview Cozy Keepsake
Harborview Keepin' The Faith
Harborview Caymen's Keeper
Am CH Gangway's Sweeter Than Whine OS WC CGC TDI (13 years)
Gangway's Sweetcar Namedesire (10.5 years)
Gangway's Italian Sweetie (10.5 years)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT (12.5 years)
Signature's One Der Full
Sunshine Hill's Hubba-Hubba
Signature Shining Star
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF (11 years)
Am CH Goldenbear Inky Dink
Am CH Signature's Sound Sensation OD
Am. Ch. Signature's Sound Of Victory
Am. CH Signature's Sounds Of Spring
Am. CH Signature's Sounds-A-Hoppin' CD SDHF
Signature's Sound Of Music CD OD
Am CH Signature's Sound Barrier OS
Signature's Ain't No Angel
Signature Looks Like N Angel
Signature's Almost An Angel
Faera's Sweet Caroline OD
Faera's Cracklin' Rosie OD
Faera's Play Me
Faera's I Am...I Said OD (10.5 years)
BIS BISS Am. CH Faera's The Story Of My Life OS SDHF
Faera's Headed For The Future (9 years)
BISS Am CH/Can CH. Faera's Front Page Story SDHF
Am. CH. Faera's Done Too Soon (11 years)
Faera's Walk On Water At Calusa
Ch Faera's Courtin' Disaster W'Tainsh
Faera's Solitary Man
Faera's I'm A Believer
Ch. Faera's Forever In Blue Jeans (8.5 years)
CH Faera's Hello Again
Am. CH Faera's Longfellow Serenade
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (10.5 years)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials
Faera's Future Finesse
Faera's Future Looks Rosy
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (12 years)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd
Faera's Future Classy Cassy
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (10.5 years)
Faera's Shilo Lueree Fire OD
Faera's Three Times A Lady
Faera's Tri'd-N-True
Faera's Rocky Acres Keep'n Tune
Faera's Finder's Keepers
Faera's Firesale At Tiffanys
Faera's Fireball Tyler
Faera's Miss Fire
Faera's Third Dimension CDX
Am. CH Faera's Three Cheers
Am Ch Faera's Three Ring Circus (9 years)
Am./Can. CH Faera's Tri 'N Stop Me
Am. CH Faera's Playin' For Keeps OS (8 years)
Am. CH Faera Starquest Keep Dreamin (14 years)
Am. CH Faera's Keep'n The Faith
Am. CH Faera Kala's Keepin' It Wild (11.5 years)
Am. CH Faera's Keep'n Double Trouble
Faera's Keepin' The Promise OD
Faera's Earth Wind N Fire
Faera's Firelight
Faera's Four Alarm Fire
Faera's Olympic Firebird
CanCH Faera's Prospector's Foxfire
Faera's Honeybear Keepsake
BISS Am. CH Faera's All Fired Up At Calusa OS SDHF
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Done In Triplicate CD SDHF OS (13.5 years)
BIS CH Faera's Fire Power SDHF
Parkerhouse Irish Cream (16 years)
Parkerhouse Favorite Son CD, CGC (12.5 years)
Parkerhouse Luck O The Irish (15 years)
Parkerhouse Pink Champagne
Parkerhouse Logan's Run (14.5 years)
Am. CH. Tuxedo's Tequila Sunrise OS (12 years)
CanCH Tuxedo's Jamaica Me Crazy (13.5 years)
CH Tuxedo's Mimosa (4.5 years)
Tuxedo's Champagne Julep (11.5 years)
Tuxedo's Ferdinand Magellan
Tuxedo's Eclipse At Calusa
CH Tuxedo's Champagne Punch (12 years)
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (10.5 years)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials
Faera's Future Finesse
Faera's Future Looks Rosy
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (12 years)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd
Faera's Future Classy Cassy
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (10.5 years)
Am. CH Laurell's Going Hollywood OD (10.5 years)
Laurell's Family Ties
Laurell's Current Affair
Laurell's All In The Family
Laurell's Go Dugan
Laurell's Go For The Gold
Am. CH Laurell's Gunsmoke At Nealcrest
Am. CH Laurell Kylie Girl Go CD (13 years)
Laurell's Go The Distance
Am. CH Laurell's Love Connection (11.5 years)
Can./Am. CH Laurell's Goin' My Way
Laurell's Designing Women
Am CH Laurell's Goin' Great Guns OS SDHF (14 years)
Tuxedo's Funny Girl CD (14.5 years)
BIS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Hi Speed Chase OS SDHF
Twin-Beau-D's Island Girl
Twin-Beau-D Intel Lady
Am. CH Twin-Beau-D's Broadway
Twin-Beau-D Intel Trust
Am CH Twin-Beau-D Brian Boru
Twin-Beau-D's Honeybelle
Am. CH Summit's Almond Delight OD (13 years)
Summit's Cracklin Oats UD
Summit's Just Right
Summit's Shana Is Just Right (5.5 years)
Summit's Apple Jacks CD
Summit's Sir Golden Grahams
Summit's Ghost Buster

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