
Golden Retriever

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Shannonstyle a Star Is Born

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shannonstyle a Star Is Born (26:36)
Shannonstyle Lady Jane
Golcrest Game Of Chance (BVA Hip Score 13:14)
Golcrest Gavotte
CanCH Golcrest Game For Anything
Eng. CH. Meant To Be At Moorquest (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
Eng. CH. Moorquest Mugwump JW (BVA Hip Score 4:18)
Moorquest Musicale
Moorquest Music Maker
Ortanique Outstep
Outshine Contessa
Outburst of Torsinki
Ortanique Outrageous
Golcrest Ginglewood (BVA Hip Score 4:4)
Golcrest Gilt Edge Security
Golcrest Gillyflower of Amberland
Golcrest Gifted Poet
Amberland Black Sabre (BVA Hip Score 6:7)
Golcrest Gift Of Love
Golcrest Gift of Patience
Golcrest Gift Of Happiness
Shannonstyle Foxy Lady (4:4)
Eng. SH. CH. Pitcote Arcadian Of Garthfield
Pitcote Ambush
Pitcote Aurora
Eng. SH. CH. Teecon Knighterrant
Eng. CH. Teecon Ambassador
Teecon Karissma of Greatoaks
Teecon Fascination Of Chienholme
Teecon Helmsman (HD B1B2)
Teecon Annisette
Anatas Teecon Cassiope
Teecon Aristocrat
Broadwaters Teecon Admiral
Teecon Knighterrount
Teecon Celestine
Teecon Karissima of Tugwood
Teecon Forester (OK)
Teecon Aphrodite
Teecon Sutter Creek Cognac CD (OFA GR-1016)
Teecon Connoisseur
Teecon Flair
Teecon Suttercreek Fanfare CD (OFA GR-1795)
Singapore CH. Lacons Edelweiss
Lacons Frisco Boy of Veroy
Lacons Glendora
Eng. SH. CH. Lacons Candy Floss
Lacon's Felicity Jane
Lacons Charioteer of Culray
Lacons French Lace of Dooneryan
Lacons Edelakiss
UK Sh Ch Lacons Enterprise (BVA 6:6 or 5:7)
Lacons Enchantment of Veroy
Lacons Perry
Dovedown Emerald Mist of Shannonstyle
Dovedown Derrybeg (3:3)
Dovedown Tullybrack
Eng. CH. Bryanstown Gaucho KCJW SGWC (BVA Hip Score 1:1)
Bryanstown Modesty Blaise
Bryanstown Solo
Dovedown Mint-Mist

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