
Golden Retriever

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Comat Lanson

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Comat Lanson
Comat Castellane
Comat Cristal
Eng.Sh.Ch Ritzilyn Male Order JW
Ritzilyn Malarkey at Millesime
Ritzilyn Miss Adventure
Int Ch Ritzilyn Match Point
Eng Ch. Bramhills Blake SGWC
Bramhills Brooke at Rostam
Bramhills Britannia Rose
Eng./Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis (13 years)
Tyrol Philosopher's Pride
Erinderry Diamond Debonair of Learmount
Tyrol Philosopher's Joy at Erinderry
Erinderry Diamond Addition
Erinderry Diamond Ice
Bramhills Chrysantha
Bramhills Sea Quest
Eng.Sh.Ch. Ritzilyn Dynah Might
Ritzilyn Daisy Mae at Galenco
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW (12 years)
C.I.B & BALT & FIN & RUS CH & BALT VET CH Ritzilyn Blues Brother LV W-01, LV JW-01, LTU JW-01, EstW-05, BaltW-06 (16 years)
Ritzilyn Blue Chip
Ritzilyn Bucks Fizz at Trewater
Ritzilyn Baby Bunting with Charmagen
Ritzilyn Baileys Original Amsterdam JW
GB.Sh.Ch Ritzilyn Chickadee For Straland
Ch. Ritzilyn Callaghan JW'98, W'00
German Ch, Lux. Ch Ritzilyn Chelsea Blue
Ritzilyn Chuckleberry at Trumpsgold (15 years)
Int. Ch Ritzilyn Chancellor
Ritzilyn Cherry Tart
HUN JCH Ritzilyn Chase Me Charlie (12.5 years)
Sweet Constance
Venus Rising
Moonlights Magic
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW (12 years)
C.I.B & BALT & FIN & RUS CH & BALT VET CH Ritzilyn Blues Brother LV W-01, LV JW-01, LTU JW-01, EstW-05, BaltW-06 (16 years)
Ritzilyn Blue Chip
Ritzilyn Bucks Fizz at Trewater
Ritzilyn Baby Bunting with Charmagen
Ritzilyn Baileys Original Amsterdam JW
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood (11.5 years)
Perrimay Harriet
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Can. Ch. Ritzilyn Holy Knight (4 years)
Ritzilyn Perfect Scoundrel
Ritzilyn Silent Night
Ritzilyn Pretty Boy Floyd At Ronjalee
Ritzilyn Penny Royal At Betheldorm
Ritzilyn Pussy Willow
Ritzilyn Pacific
Ritzilyn Pin Up At Choriand
Miss Moonlight
Jamoon Troika for Ninell
Jamoon Rosina Of Patamatta
Oultonor Maatkare
Oultonor Eleanor

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