
Golden Retriever

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Northern Lights Roth

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Northern Lights Roth
Northern Lights Delta Moonbeam
Northern Lights Francesca May from Sidney
Northern Lights Cooper From Lily
Northern Lights Stella Benson
Northern Lights Captain Jack
Northern Lights Theodorable
Northern Lights Penny's From Heaven
A,Slo,Hun,Sk,Cro.Ch Hercules Hypo Host Of Angels
happy heaven host of angels
Est Junior Ch, Fin JW-05, Balt JW-06 Remington Razzle Dazzle (7.5 years)
IRL SH. CH. Remington Rocking Robin
CanCH. BVSS Remington Rupert Bear JH, WC (13 years)
Remington Rolex at Tokonoma
Remington Royal Blue
Remington Rudbeckia
Eng.Sh Ch Shardanell Talk O' The Town at Ipcress
Shardanell Living Doll
Shardanell Forget Me Not
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
Shardanell Ruby Tulip
Shardanell Daisychain via Ipcress
Eng.Sh.Ch Remington Remember Me KCJW
Remington Roberta Bolebel
Remington Reflection of Castlerock
CH Remington Rockafeller
Remington Rob Roy Of Ipcress JW
Remington Regal Scot of Raffleson
UK Sh Ch / Dutch Ch / German Ch / VDH Ch Remington Requisite Of Ramchaine (15 years)
Fun Cup v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Traffic Jam v.d. Beerse Hoeve (10 years)
Int'l CH Bubble Up V.D. Beerse Hoeve (12.5 years)
Zip Zaps v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Dutch and German Ch. Pixel Panic v.d. Beerse Hoeve Winster 2007
Eng. CH. Xanthos Black Thorn JW, SGWC (12 years)
Xanthos Brown Sugar
Xanthos Purple Patch
Xanthos Captain Scarlett
Xanthos Lady In Red
Xanthos Lemon Grass Among Stanroph
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch. Crisscross v.d. Beerse Hoeve Europasiegerin 05, Bundessiegerin 06
Dutch Ch. German Ch. Crosspatch v.d. Beerse Hoeve Top winning Bitch 2003
Starry Gold Bridget
Starry Gold Blanche
Starry Gold Brittany
Starry Gold Ballerina
HSCH. HCH. HGRCH. SRBCH. SRBGRCH. CIB Wind Lovin Bright Spirit (5.5 years)
HJCh. HSCh. Wind Lovin' Bliss Blossom Clubwinner'11+BIS
Wind Lovin' Butterfly Kisses
Wind Lovin' Be My Love
Wind Lovin' Baby Lollipop
Wind Lovin' Bounty Island
Wind Lovin' Blueberry Cake
Wind Lovin' Beauty Queen
Wind Lovin' Beach Bum
Wind Lovin' Brilliant Baby
WW'09'11, EW'07'08, JEW'05, Int CH, Multi CH Dewmist Silk Screen Working Test, Middle European Winner 2006 (14 years)
SE U(U)CH DK CH(U) Dewmist Silk'n Sequins
JEW'07 Dewmist Sky of Silk
Int. Sh. Ch. (C.I.E.), PL Ch., VDH (Dt) Ch. Dewmist Silk Symphony PL Junior Ch., Baltic Winner '05 (8 years)
Dewmist Silk Sensation
Dewmist Silk'n Sassy
Dewmist Smooth As Silk
SU(U)CH Dewmist Silk'n Satin
SE U(U)CH DK UCH Dewmist Strands of Silk
EST & LV & LT & RUS & BALT JCH BALT JW05 Dewmist Silk Spirit
VWW'13. HVCH. HSCh. HJCh. Sunnyfield's All My Lovin' Clubwinner 2009 + BOB +R.BIS
Int.Sh.Ch, Veteran World Winner'13 Sunnyfield's Austin Powers
HJCH Sunnyfield's A Star Is Born
Sunnyfield's Bitter Sweet Symphony
Sunnyfield's Abbey Rose
Sunnyfield's Bugatti Driver
ICH.HCH.HSCH.ROCH.HRCH. Sunnyfield's All That Magic
Sunnyfield's Apple Pie
Shining Gold Silk Rainbow
Shining Gold Silver Queen
Shining Gold Silk Sugar
Shining Gold Lancelott
HCh. HSCh. HJCh. MKSZ HCh Ligeti Borostyan Cowboy
Shinning Gold Glory of the sun
HJCH Shining Gold Glory Of The Sun
HJCH, 3xHPJ, BIS, BP,HFGY, tsz, ability exam, VAV Shining Gold Indiana Summer
Shining Gold Umrella
CAN CH Shining Gold Kewin's Legacy Girl
Shining Gold Unbeliavable
Shining Gold Upsadaisy
Shining Gold Upside
Shining Gold Unique

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