
Golden Retriever

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Lola (LER 10312)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lola (LER 10312) (Other LER 10312)
Vangogh (LER 4814) (Other LER 4814)
Cotton de los Dorados (Other LER 4779)
DELTA (son of Malagold Lonesome Dove)
Ch Ec Columbus de los Dorados (Other LER)
Malagold Lonesome Dove (AKC SM82859304)
Malagold's Star Bounder (AKC SM828593/06)
Malagolds Terra Hills Topaz (AKC SM82859305)
Can CH Malagold's Kid Cori Can SDHF (CKC 1046096)
Malagold Bayley Sol Y Oro (AKC SM82859301)
Malagold My Guy Mister Mick (AKC SM82859302)
Malagold Ginger Bear (AKC SM82859307)
Ricochet Spring Fever (AKC SF580532)
Alanna's Peaches 'N Cream UD AX AD VAD CGC (AKC SF177799)
Am. CH Ricochet's Morning Star UD MH WCX VCX (AKC SE475474)
CH Ricochet's Cawtaba Gold (AKC SE470562)
Abby de los Dorados (Other LER 2758)
Ch. Ecu Coral Sand Master Gary Suh (Other ACE.G8 052)
Ambersand's Chrissy E CDX TD SH WCX (AKC SE893653)
Ambersand's Joyful Jena CDX JH WC (AKC SE988101)
Ambersand's Allie Oops (AKC SM466104)
Inti Can's L-Gala (Other LER 3912)
Ch Ec, Pr. L. I. Carolina's Capvrro (AKC SN19275302)
Westben Over The Top (AKC SN192753/01)
Am./Can. CH. Westben Oak Ridge Cadet OS (AKC SN044241/01)
Gold Rush Grand Natalee (AKC SN227117/11)
Broughton's Jackpot (AKC SF458179)
Broughton's T's To Please (AKC SF-049897)
Broughton's Riki Tiki Tavi (AKC SF025995)
Broughton's Just Rewards (AKC SE964687)
Ch. Broughton's Cajun Blackjack CD,JH,WCX (AKC SE909696)
Bijou (LER 540) (Other LER 540)
Quincy (ACE G8/ 00561) (Other ACE G8/ 00561)
Cilla (ACE G8/ 00656) (Other ACE G8/ 00656)

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