
Golden Retriever

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Images Strikes A Windy Breeze Sharee CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Images Strikes A Windy Breeze Sharee CGC (AKC SR85366802)
Red Oaks Strike Up The Band (AKC SR25921704)
Am CH Xanthos Bush Force (AKC SN770672/03)
Xanthos Showstopper (AKC SN77067204)
Xanthos It's Show Time (AKC SN77067202)
BISS Am CH Goldstorm Moving Force BISS OS (AKC SN312862/01 (9/97))
Ch Goldstorm Carrera Best Moves (AKC SN31286203)
Ch Goldstorm Shanoah Mov'n Showgirl (AKC SN31286209)
Edgehill National Acclaim (AKC SN 503838/01)
CH Edgehill First National Bank (AKC SN50383802)
Edgehill Irish Elegance (AKC SN50383814)
Grey Havens Red Oaks Morgan (AKC SN70391804)
Grey Havens Golden Boy Brodi (AKC SN70391807)
Grey Havens Vanhorn's Jewel (AKC SN70391803)
Grey Havens Evenstar (AKC SN70391801)
CH Bretland Austin-Healy LTD (AKC SN18921001)
Bretlund BMW Gal (AKC SN18921004)
Grey Haven's Shelob II (AKC SN48227101 (4/2000))
Tic Toc's Frankly My Dear (AKC SN30107905 (6/99))
Avalon's Just A Gigalo (AKC SN48227102)
Grey Haven's Frodo II (AKC SN301079/02)
Images Sailors Chilly Wind (AKC SR51199301)
Ch Keepers Yacht To Have It (AKC SR09266001)
Am./Can. Ch. Endeavor's Alberta Clipper OS (AKC SN34287701 (4/99))
Am. Ch. Tahnee's Endvr X On The Richter (AKC SN34287702)
Endeavor's Sweet Tsunami NA OAJ MJP TDI FFX-AP OD (AKC SN342877/03)
AmCH Keepers Yah Yah Yahtzee (AKC SN62177702)
Keepers Hi Ho Cherry-O (AKC SN62177704)
Keeper's Checkmate
Image's Xcalabear Keeps Cool (AKC SN85257701)
Am. CH. Autumglo XCalabear CD (AKC SF704406 (11/1993))
Image's Keeps Emm Rolling (AKC SN37837501)

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