
Golden Retriever

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Arcane Hide N Sneak

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Arcane Hide N Sneak (5 years)
Arcane BluZ Sneak R NV
Arcane Sneak Back 2 Labyrinth
Arcanes Sneak E Piet (7.5 years)
Can. CH. Arcanes Paid In Full (11 years)
Arcane Paid The Piper (9 years)
Arcanes Patience Paid Off
Arcanes Paid The Maximum (8 years)
Arcanes Paid In Cash (7.5 years)
Arcanes Pack'd N Paid For (10 years)
Arcanes Paid Time Off (11.5 years)
Arcane Attention Must Be Paid (4.5 years)
Can.Ch Arcanes Paid My Dues (11.5 years)
Ambertru's Grand Funk (9.5 years)
Can Ch. Ambertru's Grand Canyon
Ambertru's Grande Entrance
Ambertru Thornelea's BabyGrand
Ambertru's Grande Dudley (11 years)
Ambertru's MGM Grand
Am/Can Ch. Hollykins Rio Grande Can CGN
Can CH GMOTCH U-CDX Hollykins Gold'N Cedar WC AGX AGXJ SHDX RE; Am UD WC NA NAJ NF RN CCA (13.5 years)
Hollykins Jazzin In The Park
Can Ch Hollykins Rocky Mountain High Am CDX Can CGN (11.5 years)
Hollykins Canyon Falls (8 years)
Can CH Hollykins Journey To Snowtree Can WC, CD, OD / Am CD TD CGC (8 years)
Hollykins X's and O's
Hollykins He's Not An Illusion (7.5 years)
Can Ch. Ambertru's Solar Reign
Can. CH Ambertru Arcane Pay Per View (11 years)
Can Ch. Ambertru's Blonde Bombshell (12.5 years)
Ambertru's Can't Hardly Wait (10.5 years)
Can.Ch Ambertru Shall We Dance (12 years)
Ambertru's Taffy (14 years)
Can CH. Ambertru's Rize N Shine OD (12.5 years)
Can. Ch. Shaynedoro Oncemorewithfeeling
Shaynedoro Encoretohearthside
Can CH Shaynedoro Everlasting Encore (10 years)
BPIS CanCH Ambertru's Untouchable OD (14.5 years)
Ambertru Shaynedoro Luvmnleavm CanCDX
Ambertru's Immortal Beloved
Ambertru Starquest Magic Touch
CanCH Ambertru's Touch Tag (13.5 years)
Ambertru Starquest One Touch
Labyrinth Arcane R U N V US (11 years)
Labyrinth's Barra Darcy Spirit (10 years)
Can. CH. Sunkozi Arcane Don't Look Back (11 years)
Can.Ch Sunkozi Look Out Fallbrook (10.5 years)
Can.Ch Sunkozi Made U Look BPISS, multi BPIG (11.5 years)
Sunkozi She's Got the Look
Sunkozi The Look of Love
Am/Can CH Corum Hey Mr DJ CanOS
Corum's Makin the Rounds Can OD
Corum's With a Twist
Sunkozi Margorita Can OD (12 years)
CanCH Sunkozi Ride with me
Labyrinth Quila Sunrise Spirit
Labyrinth's Spirit of Hamish (10 years)
CanCH Labyrinth's Legacy In Memories CGN
Can. Ch. Acaciagold Who's On First
Can.Ch. Acaciagold First 'N Foremost (4 years)
Labyrinth's Legacy of Tazz (7 years)
Labyrinth's Dance With Spirit

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