
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mochavulin Ticket to Tina of Paradyszicht
Mochavulin Ticket to Milli
Mochavulin Ticket to Honey
Mochavulin Ticket T Alaska
Mochavulin TicketTo Phoebe
Mochavulin Ticket to Finn
Mochavulin TicketTo Oliver
Mochavulin Ticket to Gustav
Aus Ch / SA Ch BBPIS BPIS Multiple BJIS Kaparla Ticket to Ride of Mochavulin
Kaparla Let It Be
Aust Gr & NZ Champion Kaparla Wicketkeeper
Kaparla Classic Catch (AI)
Aust Ch Kaparla Nightwatchman
Aust CH Kaparla Classic Catch
Aust Grand CH Tulzean Autumn Tango (14 years)
Tulzean Trouble Shooter
Xanthos Are You Talking To Me
LT, EST, BLR, RUS CH Xanthos Ardulfe
Xanthos Armani for Sandseers
Xanthos Abracadabra
Xanthos Albus Dumbledore
Xanthos Allez Oops
Xanthos Apostle
Xanthos Argyle
Aust Ch Kaparla Back To Back (AI)
Kaparla Back At goldendream
Kaparla Got Your Back
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo (10 years)
SE U(U)CH Floprym R Pea Nut
Aust Ch Kaparla in the Winners Circle RN
Aust Ch Kaparla Winner Takes All
Mochavulin Pryncess Fyrfly
Mochavulin Prynce Tanner
Mochavulin Pryncess Maddox
Mochavulin Prynce Benyje
Mochavulin Pryncess Holly
Mochavulin Pryncess Jessy
Mochavulin Pryncess Ella
Mochavulin Prynce Connor
Ch Mochavulin Prynce Maverik
Mochavulin Prynce Thylo
Mochavulin Prynce Piper
Ch BVIS BISS Tamnavulin Celtic Prince (9 years)
Tamnavulin Spiritofthemist
SA Ch Tamnavulin Prince of Gold
Tamnavulin Amber Warrior
Ch Tamnavulin Kings Ransom at Redsteps
CH Saxamel Natascha of Tamnavulin
SA CH Giltedge Martina for Goldenzauer (13 years)
Giltedge Serena
Giltedge Song and Dance
Giltedge Amelie
Dewmist Silversong
Aust CH Dewmist Silverling
Dewmist Silversmith
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Silverwing
Giltedge Poetry In Motion
Aust Grand Champion Giltedge The Poet
Giltedge Sonnet
Giltedge Lyric

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