K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Durch Dick und D?nn August

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Durch Dick und D?nn August (DRC-L 1620829)
Durch Dick und Dünn Alva (DRC-L 1620832)
Durch Dick und Dünn Anton (DRC-L 1620826)
Durch Dick und D?nn Albert (DRC-L 1620827)
Durch Dick und D?nn Ahoi K?pt'n A. J. Paul (DRC-L 1620828)
Durch Dick und D?nn Albus (DRC-L 1620830)
Durch Dick und D?nn Alma (DRC-L 1620831)
Durch Dick und D?nn Aenna (DRC-L 1620833)
Durch Dick und D?nn Amsel (DRC-L 1620834)
Durch Dick und D?nn Aspe (DRC-L 1620835)
Lloris vom Keien Fenn (DRC-L 1116352)
Logos vom Keien Fenn (DRC-L 1116356 / SL)
Lennox vom Keien Fenn
Larry vom Keien Fenn
Lagopus-Uuno vom Keien Fenn
Luca vom Keien Fenn
Lino vom Keien Fenn
FTCh Larix vom Keien Fenn
Lucy vom Keien Fenn
Lieke vom Keien Fenn
FTCh Brindlebay Butler
FTW Brindlebay Brimstone of Beechbrook
Brindlebay Blush af Balbirnie
SE JCH Brindlebay Bonus
Brindlebay Ninja
Brindlebay Nora
Brindlebay Badger
Brindlebay Bewitched
Brindlebay Bliss
Brindlebay Nina
Brindlebay Tyler
FTW Brindlebay Tolley of Greenfox (KC 4341CW)
Brindlebay Nathaniel Of Oysterbed
Brindlebay Noddy
Brindlebay Nelson
Brindlebay Nicky
Brindlebay Natalie Of Birdbrook
Brindlebay Nessie
Brindlebay Bounty
Brindlebay Bedazzle of Bedgebrook
Brindlebay Bluebell of Rhypyker
FTCh Brindlebay Jude
Brindlebay Jane
Brindlebay Jake
Brindlebay Jim
Brindlebay Judy
Brindlebay Jenney
FTCh Mansengreen Bizzy of Brindlebay
Mansengreen Billy
Mansengreen Badger (Other KCSB 3911CN)
Mansengreen Brock
Mansengreen Bee
Mansengreen Banter
Mansengreen Bess
OFTAW Ginger vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 0511716)
Gneissi-Okko vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 0511712)
Gillmore vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 0511713)
Guste vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 0511714)
Gemma vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 0511715)
Gaya vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 0511717)
FTCh Blackharn Brewster
Blackharn Barley
Blackharn Becky
Blackharn Bess
Blackharn Bob
Blackharn Bramble
Blackharn Bumble
Blackharn Bella
Blackharn Bluebell
DRC-Arb.-Ch. Alpha vom Keien Fenn (Other FCI/DRC-L 97-6704)
A. J. Ascot vom Keien Fenn
Artus vom Keien Fenn (FCI DRC-L 97-6703)
Arkis vom Keien Fenn (VDH/DRC97-6700)
Ares vom Keien Fenn (FCI VDH/DRC97-6701)
Arko vom Keien Fenn (FCI VDH/DRC97-6702)
A-Krispindl vom Keien Fenn (FCI VDH/DRC97-6705)
Ayca vom Keien Fenn (FCI VDH/DRC97-6706)
Questing Ballykeel Bramble (FCI DRC-L 1318424)
Questing Ballinteskin Cleo (FCI LO1317398)
Questing Ballsmill Bonnie (FCI LO1317425)
Questing Bellyonan Bolt (FCI SHSB 725920)
Questing Balyward Baron (FCI LO1317438)
Questing Bessbrook More (FCI LO1317428)
Questing Bellurgan Barrett (FCI LO1317441)
Questing Ballybinaby Bhanna (FCI ?HZB-Nr. LR 9156)
Questing Barleyfield Achille (FCI LO1317437)
FTW Chief Lightning Bolt (FCI LO1294333)
Flaming Maggie
FTW Oakleaf Warlord
Rosie Rhoda Of Lettergreen
Chorus Boy Sings
Emperor Royal
Flip Flop
Laughing Tine
Little Brazilien
Rock Of Eire
Rum King
Spanish Angel
Open FTAW Altiquin Jive of Bohasset (AH0901434)
Altiquin Juniper with Annsfarm (KC AH0901300)
Altiquin Jasmin
Altiquin Joy (AKC SR52362302)
Altiquin Jet
Rumbleton Quail (KC AG02747104)
Rumbleton Quaich
Rumbleton Quant of Silverbarton
Rumbleton Quartz (Ag02747101)
FTCh Rumbleton Quicksilver
Rumbleton Quincy
Rumbleton Quaver
Rumbleton Quill
Rumbleton Quinn
ChTf & OFTW Haredale Orenda (FCI LO1298246)
Haredale Olwyn
Haredale Oran
Haredale Only Dottie
Haredale Oraya
Haredale Orisha
Haredale Orre (Other SHSB)
FTW Flashmount Fall
Flashmount Spring
Flashmount Summer
Flashmount Winter of Bedgebrook
ChTf Haredale Kanya (Other SHSB 600949)
Haredale Kane Khurt
Haredale Karas
Haredale Kerwyn (FCI SHSB600946)
Haredale Kirana
Haredale Kyro
Haredale Keena
Haredale Keira
Haredale Kerry

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