
Golden Retriever

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CH Goodtime's Always On My Mind

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

CH Goodtime's Always On My Mind (OFA GR-85801G38M-PI)
Goodtime's How Do You Like Me Now?
CH Goodtime's Gone Country CDX OA NA CGC TT Cert. Therapy Dog (OFA GR-81744F24M-PI)
BISS Am/Can CH Chuckanut's Brasstime TD JH NA NAJ WC VCX OS SDHF Can TD JH WC OS (OFA GR-59162G24-T)
Can Ch Chuckanut Thru The Looking Brass (OFA GR-59821G25F-T)
Am CH Chuckanuts Kiss My Brass (OFA GR-60445G27F)
Am Ch Chuckanut's National Brasstime OD (OFA GR-60163G26F-T)
Ch. Chuckanut's Sonoran Brass (OFA GR-59661G25F-T)
BIS BISS Am CH Sassafras Batterys Not Incld OS SDHF (OFA GR-32379F24M)
Sassafras Uptown Girl (OFA GR-32315G24F)
Sassafras Lou Golden Bear (OFA GR-42097G61M)
BIS BISS Am. Can. CH Asterling's Jamaica Verdict OS SDHF (OFA GR-15175-T-F-65M)
Asterling's Manhatten (OFA GR-18321)
CH Asterling Lanai Lalenia CD OD (OFA GR-15228)
Ch. Asterling's Tahiti Sweetie SDHF (OFA GR-16472)
Am. CH Asterling Sandy Isle Sunrise
Am. CH Asterling Nantucket Skybird (OFA GR-15354)
Asterling Zanzibar (OFA GR-15355)
Am. CH Sassafras' Jumpin Jilli-Bean (OFA GR-23447F25F-T)
Am. CH. Sassafras Deacon Of Wildwood (OFA GR-23425G26M)
Am/Can CH Kinshas Flower of the Field Am/Can OD Can SDHF (OFA GR-34425G30F)
Kinsha Amazing Misty
CH Kindred Peppercreek Suspense OS (OFA GR-28124F24M)
Rosewood Pretty Penny (OFA GR-30233G33F)
Am. CH Kachina Doc's Irish Cream (OFA GR-28130G24M)
Am. CH. Kindred's Sun River Esprit OD (OFA GR-28190F24F)
Am/Can CH Kinshas Luv-A-Lot OD (OFA GR-21639)
CH Kinsha JT Cinnamon Bear
CH Kinsha Chrysalis Woolly Bear
CH Kinsha Great Gold Bear
Kinshas True Trucker
Can CH Kinsha Shogun Of Camalire OS
CH Goodtime's Glory Days OD (OFA GR-66787G24F)
CH Goodtime Born In The USA (OFA GR-67013G24M-T)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Run For The Roses SDHF OD (OFA GR-67744G26F-T)
CH Goodtime's NYC Serenade (OFA GR-68243F28F-T)
Am. CH. Goodtime's Code Red At Voyager RN AX AXJ NF WC VCX (OFA GR-81531G24M-PI)
Goodtime's Secret Garden
Goodtime's Golden Wonder
Goodtime, Waterford E Street
Goodtime's Human Touch
CH. Goodtime I'm On Fire OA OAJ (OFA GR-67164E25M-T)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Best Case Scenario CD JH WC VCX OS SDHF (OFA GR-48563G24M-T)
Goodtime's Shadow (OFA GR-55655G35M)
Am. Ch. Goodtime's Best Foot Forward OD (OFA GR-49880G28F)
BIS Am/Can CH Goodtime's Trademark of Rush Hill OA NAJ OS SDHF (OFA GR-61496G24M-T)
Am. CH Goodtime's Trade Secret AX, AXJ (OFA GR-73487G62F-PI)
Am. CH Goodtime's Jack of All Trades (OFA GR-63084F30M)
Goodtime's Queenly Best
Goodtime's Best Rich Victory
MEX CH, GCM, CC Goodtime's Best Of Luck
Goodtime's Best Part Of Life
Goodtime's Best Is Yet To Come
Goodtime's Best Seller (OFA GR-49531F26M)
Goodtime's Tricks Of The Trade
Goodtime's Trade Talk Mystar
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC (OFA GR-35513G120M-T)
Can CH Rush-Hill's Goldmedal Ribbon Can CDX (OFA GR-36395G27F-T)
CanCH Rush Hill's Struttin Sundae (OFA GR-36500G27M)
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Sundae Jubilee (OFA GR-35725G24M)
Am. CH Rush Hill's Ted E Bear Swirl CDX (OFA GR-35908G25M)
Rush Hill's Heavenly Hash (OFA GR-35923G25F)
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Revel At Allsgold OS Can SDHF (OFA GR-35659G24M)
Am CH Gldn Lt Goodtime Happy Ending OD (OFA GR-38616G24F)
Golden Light Happy Ever After (OFA GR-39637F27F)
Goldn Lite Happy Persuasion (OFA GR-39893G26M)
Golden Light's Happy Mr Micah
Am. CH Golden Light Happy Camper OD (OFA GR-39076G25F)
Golden Light Pekay Happy Hour (OFA GR-38816F24M)
Am. CH Golden Light Happy Trails (OFA GR-39170F26M)
Am CH Laurell Goodtime Pink Champagne OD (OFA GR-54004G25F)
CH Laurell's Pretty In Pink (OFA GR-53468G24F-T)
CH Laurells Sunbeam Pinkpanther SDHF OD (OFA GR-53571E24F)
Laurell's Shocking Pink (OFA GR-53631G24F-T)
Laurell's Pink Flamingo (OFA GR-53492G24F)
Laurell's Take A Bow For Angel (OFA GR-62798G24F-T)
Laurell's Grand Finale From Angel Am.CDX Can.CD (OFA GR-62799G24M-T)
CH Laurell's Pink Cadillac (OFA GR-53467G24M)
Am. CH Laurell Goodtime Tickled Pink OD (OFA GR-53867G25F)
CH Tuxedo's Acclaim To Fame OS (OFA GR-39064G32M)
Am. CH Laurell's Inside Trader (OFA GR-42681G25M)
CH Tuxedo's Savannah Encore (OFA GR-36635F24F)
Tuxedo's Rave Review
Tuxedo's Center Stage
Laurell's Capital Gain
Heltzers Mr Ranger
Laurell's Cooperstown Option
Laurell's Across The Board (OFA GR-42981G27M)
Tucker's Line Of Credit
Am. CH Tuxedo's Celebrity OD (OFA GR 36557G24F)
Tuxedo's Standing Ovation CDX (OFA GR-36593E24M)
CH Tuxedo's Leading Man (OFA GR-36825G25M)
Am CH Aspenglo Angel Fire OD SDHF
Am. CH Aspenglo Deer Valley UD (OFA GR-31753G24M)
Am. CH Aspenglo Beech Comber (OFA GR-31948F24M)
Am. CH Aspenglo Sunlite Summit (OFA GR-31875F24F)
Am. CH Aspenglo Prevailing Wind SDHF (OFA GR-33251F29F)
Jap?CH Aspenglo Everglades
Am. CH Aspenglo Denali
Am. CH Aspenslo Yellow Stone CD
Aspenglo Hunter Mountain
Am. CH. Aspenglo Telluride OS SDHF (OFA GR-31867G24M)

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