
Golden Retriever

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Lone Star Jesse

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lone Star Jesse (AKC SC744783)
Mouse's Golden Nugget (AKC SC604052)
Abe II (AKC SA991421 (10-74))
Lady Sandringham's Buff (AKC SA451625 (8/1970))
Am. CH. Duck's Ripple Of Golden Harp OS (AKC SA047734 (7/62))
Hunter II (AKC SA050117 (5/63))
Roxaire of Golden Harp (AKC SA080956 (1/1964))
Young's Lady Sandringham (AKC SA275781 (1/67))
Todrob's Tasha O' West Haven CD (AKC SA286181 (1/67))
Todrob's Charm At Chimineas (AKC SA271675 (1/68))
Todrob's Misty Dawn (AKC SA278504 (10-68))
Tobin Marts Pixie (AKC SA671018 (7/71))
Shenandoah's Dawn (AKC SA683955 (4/71))
Sherry VIII (AKC SA722165 (1-71))
Chantilly's Brandywine CD (AKC SA173870 (7/63))
Leo's Natasha (AKC SA-505915 (9/69))
Lady Misty Buffy (AKC SC652675)
Conewago De Oro (AKC SB736276)
Natasha Dawn (AKC SA933408 (8/1972))
Golden Jenny (SB038475) (AKC SB038475 (10/1972))
Golden Samatha Tue (AKC SA933407 (2/1975))
Chattahoochee De Oro (AKC SA512536 (3/71))
Dame Of Dunvegan (AKC SA478964 (11/68))
Queen Guinevere De Oro (AKC SA697162 (3/71))
Golden Buddy (SA567415) (AKC SA567415 (12-72))
Nuggette of Appledore (AKC SA543955 (6/69))
Sisterhood Nugget (AKC SC109795)
Sisterhood's Sexy Sadie May (AKC SC894960)
Sisterhood's Blondie (AKC SC474340 (2/1979))
Sisterhood's Golden Roo (AKC SC283958)
Powell's Golden Lyle (AKC SB778600 (11/76))
Cal-Vo Starfarm For Hollyhill (AKC SB353546 (12/75))
Am./Can. CH Cal-Vo Starfarm Fleck Of Gold CD (AKC SB289007 (9-74))
Am. CH. Cal-Vo's Flamboyant Flirt (AKC SB270968)
Can. CH. Cal-Vo's Fancydan Of Deebee (AKC SB282054)

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