
Golden Retriever

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Blastem's Just A Good Ol'Boy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Blastem's Just A Good Ol'Boy
CanGCH Blastem's Remington Super Mag CD RI JH WC CGN CCA (OFA GR-113389G24M-VPI)
Blastem's Little Gold Piper (OFA GR-113390F24F-VPI)
Blastem's Daisy Duke (OFA GR-113391G24F-VPI)
Blastem's Ruby Thunder Paws
Blastem's Yoshi
Blastem's Emmylou Woods Down
Blastem's Lexi Sparkle Cayer
Blastem's Into the Woods Tala
Blastem's Buzz Macdonald
Blastem's Copper Amber Ross
Blastem's Cooper Hagerman
Blastem's Molson Stirling Legacy
Blastem's Willow Blaze
Blastem's Levi
Blastem's Suesserbaer
Blastem's Stormy Knight
Blastem's Mini Cooper
Blastem's Rascal Will
SR HRCH UH CH Windrows Ducks In A Row CDX SH Can/Am WCX VCI GRCC Versatility Hall of Fame (OFA GR-94344E24M-PI)
Windrows Lookn' for Mr. Right CAN WCX SH (OFA GR-94414G24F-PI)
Windrows Sharp Dressed Man
Windrows Final Approach Can WCX Can SH Can CDX (OFA GR-95974E38F-VPI)
Windrows Str8n Up N Fly Right WC JH CD (OFA GR-94407G24M-PI)
Can. Ch. Windrow's True Animation RA, AGNS, AGNJS (OFA GR-94263F24F-PI)
Can CH BISS Kyon's Passionat Sheaster OS (OFA GR-76290G27M-PI)
CanCH Kyon's Passionate Santana (OVC normal)
Can. CH. Sherhaven's Sheaman at Kyon Can. CD OS (OFA GR-38715F24M-T)
CanCH Sherhaven's Sweet Sadie Gray
Can. CH. Kyon Heart's A Fire (OVC normal)
CanCH Kyon's Achy Breaky Heart (OVC normal)
Can CH Windrows Brakes For Drakes Can CDX WCX SH RN AmWC (OFA GR-74951E44F-PI)
Windrows Riles The Flock Can JH WCI CDX RE (OFA GR-71698E32M-PI)
GMOTCH Windrows Do U Believe In Magic Am/Can WC AGN, CARO RXMCL, Hit of Hit CH (OFA GR-71294F31M-NOPI)
Am. CH. Celestial Sirius Jake CDX JH WC OS SDHF VC CGC (OFA GR-40684G25M)
Celestial Second Exposure CD SH WCX CanCD
Celestial's Duke Ruaridh
Celestial Southern Star
Celestial's Brodie Row
Celestial Jake Dakota
Cellestial Mornington Harbor
Celestial Southern Cross
Celestial's Grand Illusion (OFA GR-43037G33F)
Goldencol Trowsnest's Ontario Can CDX WCX MH OD (OFA GR-46489G26F-T)
Goldencol JJ's Little John CanCDX
Goldencol's Ceilidh Am. CD NA NAJ Can. CDX WC OD (OFA GR30959G54F-T)
Bydandacres Dallas Stephens CGN, CDX, WC (OVC 00115)
Bydandacres Madigan Briar Rose (OFA GR-108485G30F-PI)
Syercroft's Tait
Syercroft's Peruna Poika CDX, JH, WCX
Syercroft's River Walker
HRCH Syercroft Canis Majoris CanCD SH WCX RN CGN (OFA GR-95374G29M-VPI)
GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH CCA OS (OFA GR-78732E33M-PI)
Syercroft Lil Dimon'N The Ruff CanWCI,CDX,JH (018119 OVC 018119)
Syercroft's Cherry Bomb Can JH, WCI, CDX
Syercroft's Huggy Bears Billy CDX RA OA NAJ NAP NJP (OFA GR-87722G24M-PI)
MOTCH Syercroft's Fire and Brimstone Can WCX MH (OVC 017510,Uof Guelph)
Bydandacres Nell
Bydandacres Dali
Goldonoro's Boy Sunny (OVC 014403)
Bydandacres Patti's Girl Kuma (OVC 020120)

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