
Golden Retriever

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Leo McIlroy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Leo McIlroy
Henry Cukrowicz
Sammy Ford
Tula Ozinga
Hampton Sweet (www)
Bogey Lele Frog
Harper Lee Fisher
Oliver Schell
Jake Cripe
Nola Belle
Tobi Lee Byall RN (OFA GR-EL31106M39-PI)
Boomer Elias
Nelson Evans
Ellie Kittredge
Sir Jake Scher's Delight
Bring It On Bongo Boy
Bayla Shively
Jax Elkassem
Belle Fuqua
Teddie Toigo
Wenning's Buddy
Gracie Mae Richards
Gabby Of Cottage Grove
Pearle MacDonald
Robin Liskey
Sammy VanSyckle
Arthur Harmon
Lady Sadie Sue Sassypants
Norman Mannerheim Steele Soderlund
Alan Liskey
King Casey The Ist Of Hillside
Gracie Marsh
Thomas Steele Byall CGC CD RE (OFA GR-EL22516M29-VPI)
Bentley M Steele
Mercedes Lane Steele
Mudd's Camrose Laurell Mace
Ms Rose of Cottage Grove RN (OFA GR-EL27749F38-VPI)
Sweetie Pie of Byall Acres (OFA GR-EL30970F37-PI)
Sb Footballs Greatest Legacy (OFA GR-EL14548M24-PI)
Baby's Little Lucas
Mask Pac O' Pride
Indiana Gold Dust
Mask Sky's The Limit
Carlie Secret's Legend (OFA GR-EL12893F26-PI)
Dutchess Olivia Gingerich
Sybili Girl Of Messersmith (OFA GR-EL12030F29-Pl)
Uphoff's Lexus
Sweetie Pie of Byall Acres (OFA GR-EL30970F37-PI)
Ms Rose of Cottage Grove RN (OFA GR-EL27749F38-VPI)
Sb Footballs Greatest Legacy (OFA GR-EL14548M24-PI)
Baby's Little Lucas
Mask Pac O' Pride
Indiana Gold Dust
Mask Sky's The Limit
Sx Cool Hand Luke CGC TDI (OFA GR-EL10281M25-PI)
Sx Sweet Patootie (OFA GR-EL12186F24-PI)
Lnc's Instant Photo-Picture (OFA GR-EL12301M25-PI)
Baby Of Mans Best Friend (OFA GR-EL10508F24-PI)
Oisket Of Mans Best Friend
Carlie Secret's Legend (OFA GR-EL12893F26-PI)
Dutchess Olivia Gingerich
Sybili Girl Of Messersmith (OFA GR-EL12030F29-Pl)
Uphoff's Lexus
Duke Remington Cook
Mattie Mae Majic
Millerwood's Gold Treasure CGC (OFA 1051175)
Golden Legend's Secret

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