
Golden Retriever

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Limetrees Golden Brotzki's Don Yenko

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Limetrees Golden Brotzki's Don Yenko (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Believe in Jona (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Be Easy (FCI A1/B1)
Limetrees Golden Boogie Woogie (FCI A)
Limetrees Golden Anouk (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Abbygail (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Amali
Limetrees Golden Amalia (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Amber (FCI A1)
Limetrees Golden Ari (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Arlee Matho (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Asics (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Beautiful Finja (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Beautiful Summer (FCI A1)
Limetrees Golden Brave Heart (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Bright Kaya (FCI B1/B2)
Limetrees Golden Bright Nayla (FCI A1)
Cricket's Anouk (B2)
Cricket's Amber (A2)
Cricket's Aponi (A2)
Cricket's Admiral Nelson (C1)
Cricket's Akira (A2)
Cricket's Agent (A2)
Cricket's Alice (A2)
Cricket's Athos (A2)
Cricket's Arrow (A2)
Cricket's April (B2)
Cricket's Aston (A1)
Warpersmoss Truman (OFA A 2)
Warpersmoss Talon (OFA B 1)
Warpersmoss Ripon (5/3)
Warpersmoss Talaria
Warpersmoss York
Riverdale Sage (7/5)
Riverdale Saffron of Russettdawn
Riverdale Mint
Gortons Spring Melody of Warpersmoss (BVA 4/4)
Gortons Maid the Mist (BVA 4/6)
Gortons Wolf Whistler of Clockburn (7/4)
Gortons Eye of the Storm
Grille My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
Gate My Melodie Of Golden Spirit (A1)
Genna my Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
Ivar my Melodie of Golden Spirit (B1)
Igor My Melodie of Golden Spirit (B1)
Ivan Nero My Melodie Of Golden Spirit (A1)
Inas My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A2)
Ideal Max My Melodie of Golden Spirit (B1)
Indiana Jones My Melodie of Golden Spirit (FCI A1)
Ima Luna My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A2)
Iines My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
DKWTCH. DKBRCH Ida Red My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
Gerrit My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
Genny My Melodie of Golden Spirit (C1)
Geisha My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gladys My Melodie Of Golden Spirit
Gipsy My Melodie of Golden Spirit
Gina My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
Gill My Melodie of Golden Spirit (A1)
Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh (B1)
HR Quiver Creeks Miss Molly JH WC
Bewitched St. Paulie Girl Am/Can CD (OFA GR-73211G25F-PI)
Bewitched Speaking of Tina (OFA GR-74225E28F-PI)
Red of Quiver Creek SH WC
Gleen Mhor's Awe (B1/B1)
Gleen Mhor's Tay (B2)
Gleen Mhor's Amy
Gleen Mhor's Dee
Gleen Mhor's Howie
Gleen Mhor's Niel
Gleen Mhor's Drunkie
Gleen Mhor's Buie
Cay'lox Cara Larimar (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Clever Lolith
Cay'lox Courteous Rhodonit (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Cassiterit
Cay'lox Chesper T?rkis (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Caspar Howlith (C1/C1)
Cay'lox Cody Spinell (A1/A1)
Cay'lox Caylah Aventurin
Cay'lox Cerussit (A1/A2)
Cay'lox Coromita (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Chrysanthem Lysben (C1/A2)
Stonehunter El Purio Donn (A2)
Stonehunter Esserando Duke (B1)
Stonehunter Eging Mika (B1)
Stonehunter Ematito Leo (A2)
Stonehunter Emperado Paul (B2)
Stonehunter Evita (A2)
Stonehunter Eagle Red ?mie (B1)
Stonehunter Eshet Shari (A1)
Stonehunter Ebony Nele (A2)
Omskakas Helst (A1)
Omskakas Hellre (B1)
Omskakas Helst Av Allt (A1)
FTA Omskakas Hela Tiden (A1)
Stonehunter Donna Chaggy (B2)
DRC-Arbeits-Ch. Stonehunter Dartmore Connor (A1)
Stonehunter Dallas Pink Judy (C2)
Stonehunter Dante Leroy
Stonehunter Debora Cora
Stonehunter Derby Black
Stonehunter Diamond Luna (B1)
Stonehunter Diana Sammy (B1)
Stonehunter DoradoJack (B1)
TQ Arcadia (B1)
TQ Affectionate Brazito (C1)
TQ Agless Tindall (B2)
TQ A'Laquey (B1)
TQ A'Cabool (B2)
Semper Modesto Bronco FCh WT (A1)
Semper Diablo Tyson
Semper Burnt Siena (OFA GR-86091G30F-PI)
Semper Fidelis Beatrix SH CDX WCX (OFA GR-85901E28F-PI)
SR Semper Leigh Sadie RL1
Semper Whispering Oaks Red Riley
MHR Semper Choo Choo Ch'Boogie WCX
Semper Deuce Cooper *** OS (OFA GR-78207E25M-PI)
MHR Madison Lucy Lesser JH, WC
HRCH Sempers Castaway Cassie JH (OFA GR-85866E51F-PI)
Orange Tangle of Graceful Delight (C1)
FT.W O'Teazle of Graceful Delight (A1)
O'Myra of Graceful Delight (A1)
Original Fame of Graceful Delight
O'Malley of Graceful Delight (A1)
Odiham of Graceful Delight (A1)
Outback Sunshine of Graceful Delight (B1)
Okley Dokey Snert of Graceful Delight

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