
Golden Retriever

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Grosse Point Charles

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Grosse Point Charles
Rip's Rascal of Nottingham
Am. CH. Robin of Nottingham (4.5 years)
Stockton's Little Miss Muffin
Jim's Golden Swinger
Marjim's Golden Zipper
Am/Can. CH. Gayhaven Cricket Of Marjim CD WC (11 years)
Marjim's Son of Orlando
Taffy of Degee Acres
Marjim's Dog-Gone Menace
Candy Of Cheviot
Dee Gee Buffy
Dog Gone Brutus
Ginger of Tamara
Am. CH. Orlando of Yeo (12.5 years)
Juno of Yeo
Ashwater Gilda Of Yeo
Sirius of Yeo
Tamara's Lady Sandrock
Lucy Ann Moody CD
Thbayo's Miss Cobble Creek
Thbayo's California Crescent
CanCH Thbayo's Cajun Craigla
FC AFC Misty's Sungold Lad CDX OS FDHF (12.5 years)
Judy Of Windemere
Sherrydan Tag * OS (11.5 years)
Luke's Golden Misty
Blaze Of Glenrol
Can. CH. Beckwith's Flare At Northgame
Beckwith's Favorite Folly
Can CH Beckwith's Flintlock
Am. CH. Beckwith's Fancy Fellow CD *
Am. CH. Beckwith's Firebrand Furor
Beckwith's Flavia CD
Am. CH. Golden Band of High Farms WC OS
Meadow Creek Rip of High Farms ***
High Farms Golden Satinwood **
Am. CH. Lucky Penny of High Farms
High Farms Golden Linden
High Farm's Bittersweet
High Farms Teakwood *
Am. CH. Golden Scot of High Farms ** DDHF
Am./Can. CH. Star Spray Maria's Gloria OD
Star Spray Maria's Electra
Star Spray Maria's Rocket UD
Am./Can./Bda. CH. Star Spray Maria's Rayo Del Sol * OS SDHF (16 years)

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