
Golden Retriever

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Shanes Starduster

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shanes Starduster
Nathanael Rex Mordecai
Travis Shane Shaheen
Wendell Quilp Hyde
Am. CH. Shawn's Pride Of Sun Dance
Am. CH. Bridey Of Sun Dance
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bruce CDX
Sun Dance's Cameo
Sun Dance's Carla CD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Brandy CD *
Sun Dance's Brass UD OBHF
Sun Dance's Sunny CD
Sun Dance's Boyce UD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS (13 years)
Sun Dance's Heather CD OD
Sun Dance's Golden Lass
Sun Dance's Heck
Sun Dance's Hardbottom Xpress UD * OBHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Hardy Dan CD
Larinda's Golden Nikie
Christopher's Lady Ness
Melissa's Lady Gilda
Hoagland's Buck
Buckwheat Boy
Honey Girl Of Lincoln
Denmel's Treacle Gold
La Wanna's Buckwheat
Sweet Baby Jane II
Julia's Golden Michelle
Heeneekis of Stilrovin ***
Kathy's Rebel of Stilrovin ***
Olaita Of Stilrovin ***
Shawnee Of Stilrovin
Honor Brite Of Stilrovin
Sabe Lo Todo Of Stilrovin ***
Can.FTCH,AFTCH Angus Of Stilrovin Am*** (13 years)
Stilrovin Bolt-Away
Jet Express Of Stilrovin WC
Shenandoah of Stilrovin CD *** OD (10.5 years)
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
Wiota Of Stilrovin
Bonnie Belle Of Stilrovin
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF (13.5 years)
Gunnerman's Copper Penny **
Gunnermans Friend
Gunnerman's Red Fox *
Gunnerman's Golden Glory
Roxanne of Arborvita *
Golden Opportunity ***
Miss Tahweena
Svoboda's Proper Cedar Chips ***
Gunnerman's Penny Wise
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Stilrovin Hody Hall
Stilrovin Delta Index
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF (10.5 years)
FC AFC Stilrovin Luke Adew FDHF
FC AFC Stilrovin Savannah Gay FDHF
Stilrovin Jersey Brown **
Stilrovin Far Daw WC
Stilrovin Shantytown
Stilrovin Whitey Barker
Stilrovin Doristown
Stilrovin Slip McCabe ***
Lady's Golden Miss II

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