K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Shimnavale Iris

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shimnavale Iris
Shimnavale Idaho
Shimnavale Iowa
Shimnavale Inca (3/3)
Shimnavale Indie (4/7)
Shimnavale Iona
Shimnavale Ivy
Shimnavale Izzy (BVA 4/6)
Shimnavale Indiana (A/A)
FTCh Longcopse Bertie (BVA 2/2)
Longcopse Berry (6/7)
Longcopse Bramble (6/6)
Longcopse Brie (4/3)
Longcopse Bess
Longcopse Baron
Longcopse Badger
FTCh Fernshot Comet (BVA 3/4)
Fernshot Dasher (7/14)
Fernshot Rudolph Of Pryanduke (4/3)
Fernshot Cupid
Fernshot Dancer
Fernshot Vixen
Fernshot Blitzen
Fernshot Prancer
FTCh Flashmount Socrates (BVA 6/5)
Flashmount Wisp Of Grandarr
Flashmount Flute of Grandarr (BVA 3-5)
Flashmount Kelly (BVA 0/0)
Flashmount Maggie (BVA 3/5)
Flashmount Beth (BVA 3/4)
Flashmount Zoe (BVA 0/0)
FTCh Millbuies Milly (BVA 4/5)
Millbuies Maggie (2/4)
Millbuies Molly (BVA 4/4)
FTCh Millbuies Magnum of Drakeshead (BVA 4/3)
FTW Millbuies McCoy (BVA 3/4)
Millbuies Marshal
Millbuies Marayder
Millbuies Mischief
Millbuies Maverick
FTAW Leadburn Val of Longcopse (4/2)
FTCh Leadburn Viceroy (BVA 4/4)
Leadburn Victor (4/10)
Leadburn Vince (5/7)
Leadburn Virtue
Leadburn Valley
Leadburn Vertex
Leadburn Vito Of Granitestone (5/6)
FTCh Willowyck Ruff (BVA 3/4)
Willowyck Royal Reflection
Willowyck Rare Tinker
Willowyck Raven
Willowyck Reeve (BVA 2/2)
Willowyck Raffle At Dragosdawn (BVA 2/3)
Willowyck Poacher (BVA 3/4)
Willowyck Puma (BVA 4/4)
FTCh Rockingstone Hope of Leadburn (6/5)
Scaur Water Sensation
Highrise Havoc
Macqueston Major
Dabton Duke (2/6)
Rockingstone Joy (8/6)
Sweetbit Sue (6/4)
Belstane Bracken
Otterhole Ebony
Maqueston Molly
Viewpoint Volunteer
Auchenskeoch Piper
Apollobay Scout of Shimnavale (BVA 5/3)
Apollobay Beroccan
Apollobay Jet (3/4)
Apollobay Razzle Dazzle at Ernevale
FTW Apollobay Razzmatazz (2/5)
Apollobay Shane
FTCh Shimnavale Excalibur (BVA 3/3)
Shimnavale Eclipse
Shimnavale Emperor (7/5)
Shimnavale Eve
Shimnavale Evie
Shimnavale Express
Ir.FTCh Marranscar Blackcap (BVA 3/5)
Banktop Cygnet (5/3)
FTW Carmedow Goldfinch (4/5)
Lostrigg Medlar (5/3)
Marranfoot Joker
FTW Marranscar Swinside Goldleaf (6/8)
Risefitz Black Arrow
Springtide Spionkop
Whalebank Wheatear
FTAW Greenbriar Cocoa of Shimnavale (BVA 3/5)
Greenbriar Kimba (BVA 21/17)
Greenbriar Kaitlin Of Stanworth (BVA 6:6)
Greenbriar Kale
Greenbriar Kilda of Ffynongain (BVA 4/3)
Greenbriar Koala (BVA 4/3)
Greenbriar Kane of Glassgreen (BVA 5/4)
Greenbriar Possum
Greenbriar Orlando
Greenbriar Gator (BVA 6/4)
Greenbriar Sheikra
Greenbriar Orca
Greenbriar Busch
Greenbriar Kara of Glassgreen (BVA 5/4)
Greenbriar Cocoa Of Shimnivale
FTW Rybrae Tapas Lady (5:3)
Rybrae Monashee Millie (3/6)
FTW Finard Wood Brave (5:11)
Sheeptown Prince
Rybrae Rosa Rosa (BVA 3/3)
Rybrae Baroness of Astraglen (BVA 2/4)
Rybrae Valentino (BVA 3/5)

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