
Golden Retriever

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Goldruls Money Talks At Traeloch

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Goldruls Money Talks At Traeloch
Goldruls Run For The Money
Goldruls Money To Burn CD SH
Am. CH Goldruls Money Bag OD
Goldruls Riann Mad Money @ Emncee JH WC
Multi BIS Am.CH Owling's Designed By Signature SDHF OS (12.5 years)
Owling's Tribute To Signature
Owlings Classic Signature
Owling's Izzy For Sdi
Owling's Signature Be Dazzled
Owling's Touch of Signature (2 years)
Can CH Owlings Signatur Move to Jengar C.G.N.
Am Ch. Westin Goin' For Broke (9.5 years)
Westin Crstal Blu Persuasion
CH Westin CR Days Of Thunder (10.5 years)
CR Nascar Natural Race-Star
CR-Charlottes Golden Fireball
Cr's Grand Nat'l Trackmaster
CH Mairei Sweet Sensation
Mairei Pristine's Sweetart
Am CH Signature's Whirlaway OD (10 years)
MBPIS MBIS Arg. Ch. Gr. Ch. Int. Ch. Latin. Ch. Signature's Sir Barton (9.5 years)
Ina. Ch. Signature Gallant Fox Castle
BISS Am/Can CH Chuckanut's Brasstime TD JH NA NAJ WC VCX OS SDHF Can TD JH WC OS (11.5 years)
Can Ch Chuckanut Thru The Looking Brass (12.5 years)
Am CH Chuckanuts Kiss My Brass (13 years)
Am Ch Chuckanut's National Brasstime OD (13.5 years)
Ch. Chuckanut's Sonoran Brass
Am CH Signature Brooklyn Bombshell
Signature Goodtime Lost In Yonkers
Signature's On Broadway
Am. CH Goldruls Thank Heaven For Little Girls CCA OD (7 years)
INT CH Goldruls Thank God Ima Country Girl at Double R CD RA CCA (10.5 years)
GCH CH Prism's Night Moves RN WC OS VC (8 years)
Prism's Moving Pictures CCA (12 years)
CH Prism's She Knows How To Move U RN JH VC (9.5 years)
CH Prism's Hear It In The Deep Heart's Core CD RN JH VC (14 years)
Prism's The Pirate Move-EE (8 years)
Prism's Moves Like a Showgirl (15 years)
Prism's Too Tuckered To Move (12 years)
Int CH Prism's Move Over In Georgia CCA
Prism's Thousand Kisses Deep
Prism's From The Deep Blue Sea
Prism's Friendship Runs Deep CGC CCA (10.5 years)
Prism's From Deep Down Under (7 years)
Prism's Deep Blue Doppler Radar (12.5 years)
Prism's Deep in the Heart of Carolina
CH Tangleloft The Heat Is On SDHF, OS
Tangleloft Turnin' Up The Heat
Tangleloft Rainstorm Layla MX MXJ CGC (14.5 years)
SHR Prism's Journey to Dustrax CD RE NAJ JH WC CCA VC OD (13.5 years)
Prism's Candlelit JourneyforLolabelle CGC (0.5 years)
Prism's Journey's Opening Act WC CCA CGC (14.5 years)
Prism's Journey on Cayuga CGC (11.5 years)
Prism's Journey to Remember CGC (15.5 years)
Goldruls Little Moments CCA (12 years)
Goldruls Brand New Key RN CCA
Goldruls Fortunate Son (8.5 years)
Ch SunChase Ultra-Brite Not (9.5 years)
SunChase Godiva Too Qd An Attitude CD
SunChase Gleem In My Eyes
SunChase Closeup-N-Personal (9 years)
Am. CH Goldruls Kari O Key BOSS (10 years)
Goldruls Merry Days Christmas Cookey TD CCA
UKC CH Goldruls WalKey'N On Sunshine RN UR01 THD CCA CGC TDI (7.5 years)
Goldruls Royal Key Note RN (13 years)
Goldruls Key En Es Bello (13 years)
Goldruls Chic Key Dee AXJ CCA (10 years)
Goldruls Key To My Heart Georgia TDX (12 years)

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