
Golden Retriever

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One Ash Matchless Grace

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

One Ash Matchless Grace
Quapaw's Impressive Endeavor (12.5 years)
Quapaw's Oh So Impressive WC (8 years)
Quapaw's Dandy Impression
Quapaw's Dressed To Impress (13.5 years)
Quapaw's Lasting Impression
Quapaw's Impressive Review
Quapaw's Impressive Sunset
Quapaw's Impressive Drabingle
Quapaw's Impressive Irishman
Quapaw Impressionable Lady
Quapaw Impressive King Midas
Quapaw's Ultimate Impression
Am/Can CH. Stoneleath Larkspur OS Can CDX WC SDHF (9.5 years)
Am/Can Ch Sutter Creek Tessahoc Tigger CD (15 years)
Sutter Creeks Gretel Garbo CD
Can Ch Stoneleath Kiss Me Kate CD WC OD
Quapaw's I Be A Kathouse Mouse CD (13.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be Bad (8.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be A Pied Piper (13.5 years)
Braeside Sweet Amber Rose
Quapaw's I Be A Golden Empresse
Quapaw's I Be A Homerun
Quapaw's I Be Daisy May
Quapaw's I Be Plato
Quapaws I Be Donatello
Stolford Flint
Quapaw's Touch The Earth (15.5 years)
Quapaw's Wingsong Mark of Exc (9 years)
Quapaw's Golden Duke CD (11 years)
Am CH Quapaw's Wingsong Wind Marker CD JH WC VC (11.5 years)
Am. Ch Quapaw's Toby Goldmark (10 years)
Am. CH. Quapaw's Majik Marker
Quapaw's Singin' In Harmony
One Ash Bumbershoot
One Ash Majesty
One Ash Cambridge (12 years)
One Ash Oliver Twist
One Ash Pendragon
Can. CH. Trowsnest Oneash Burberry Am. CDX Can. CD (11.5 years)
Can. CH Padedali Penge Am./Can. CDX (13 years)
Padedali Crackers
Padedali Holly
Padedali Santa
Padedali Bella
Padedali Gracie
Padedali Pamie
Amberland Sky-Hi (13.5 years)
Purdy Of Padedali
Can. CH. Camrose In Oneash Am./Can. CDX OD (13 years)
Camrose Early Morn
Camrose Indiranna In Ranitea
Camrose Early Tinsel
Camrose Zanadu (8 years)
Lovehayne Betimotei of Camrose (13 years)
Eng. CH. Lovehayne Beteazle
Lovehayne Betitan
Lovehayne Betrisanna Of Camrose
Rachenco Bonilass Of Camrose
Rachenco Tallismann Of Perrimay
Rachenco Beaumaris of Cavall
Eng. SH. CH. Rachenco Barbarella Of Colbar (8.5 years)

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