
Golden Retriever

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Sprightly v.d.Gouden Spetters

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sprightly v.d.Gouden Spetters
Sound of Music v.d. Gouden Spetters (BVA A/A)
Taco v.d.gouden spetters
Stormy Boya v.d.gouden spetters
Sam v.d.gouden spetters
Sunshine Jody v.d.gouden spetters
Sweetie Sara v.d.gouden spetters
Sietske v.d.gouden spetters
JCh Sansue Hi'Land Storm (B1B2)
Sansue Columbine Of Elswood (8:18)
Sansue Candytuft at Blenstone (6:9)
Sansue Crown Imperial (17:8)
Sansue Cedar of Braidwynn (3:7)
Sansue Hi'land Spring
Sansue Hi'land Prince Of Argosland (6:6)
Sansue Hi'land Dance (5:8)
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander (BVA Hip Score 4:3)
Elswood Celtic Chiefton (B1/B2)
Elswood Katrine Of Nortonwood (BVA 7:9)
Ger./VDH. CH. Elswood Maree Unter Dem Thie (HD C2)
Elswood Tam A' Shanter Of Highguild (BVA Hip Score 4:6)
Elswood The Jacobite Of Bellemount JW SGWC (BVA Hip Score 10:10)
Ital. CH. Elswood Cash Is King
Elswood Highland Magic of Varadero (BVA 10:24)
Elswood Highland Melody (BVA 17:23)
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood (Unknown BVA Hip Score 12:6)
NV-92 NUCH Jobeka Jaguar (Sweden HD U (3/9/1989))
Jobeka Lady Jane
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Just James
Jobeka Jane Of Stirchley (11:10)
Jobeka Jeaves (BVA 5/4)
Eng Sh Ch Westley Clementina (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
Westley Lusia of Mulfield (BVA Hip Score 3:4)
Westley Charlotte
Westley Lizanne Of Channri (BVA 8:7)
Westley Garrya Of Severy (BVA Hip Score 5:3)
Westley Lucinda
Eng. CH. Westley Gabriella Of Siatham (9:8)
Eng. SH. CH. Westley Glen Of Highguild (4:7)
Dutch Ch. Westley Cathrina (HD C1C2)
Eng. SH. CH. Westley Christina
Westley Lottie At Minybar
Westley Lucetta of Tarkeila (4:3)
Westley Cumgen (A1/A2)
Westley Garmond (8:11)
Westley Callum Of Remington
Westley Lizetta Of Stirchley (BVA 5:5)
Westley Crescendo of Sundials
Westley Luciana At Toftwick (4:4)
Eng. SH. CH. Sansue Waterlily (BVA Hip Score 6:7)
Sansue Whisper (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
Sansue Wallis (4:3)
Eng. CH. Sansue Golden Ruler (Unknown BVA Hip Score 3:6)
Sansue Philanderer (A1)
Eng. SH. Ch. Sansue Phoebe (BVA BVA Hip Score 1:2)
SUCH NUCH INTUCH Sansue Golden Arrow (Sweden HD U (198?))
Sansue Golden Gloria Of Sandusky JW (Unknown BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Eng. CH. Sansue Pepper Of Lovehayne SGWC (BVA Hip Score 4:7)
Sansue Golden Showers (OK)
Sansue Cheers (BVA Hip Score 6:4)
Joyous Angel Eyes (B1)
Dutch Ch. Dual Purpose Lionheart (HD B1B2)
Dual Purpose Let It Be Me
Dutch/Ger./VDH/Lux./Pls. CH. Sinnhein Jacobite GG-1 (HD B1B2)
Sinnhein Jacobina Of Rossend (5:3)
Sinnhein Jade At Glentayne (3:8)
Sinnhein Juliet Of Petsan
Sinnhein Jewel of Kilgraston
Sinnhein Jasmine
Remington Really Smashing
Remington Ray of Hope (HD B1/B2)
Feelin Groovy's Be Joyous Magic
Feelin Groovy's Good Wivern Wizard
Feelin Groovy's Be Good Sealgair (OFA B1/B2)
Feelin Groovy's Noble Boy
NUCH KBHV92 WA92 Stenbury Waterwizardry (A/A)
Stenbury Waterwhispers (20:19)
Stenbury Waterboy (18:17)
Stenbury Waterwillow (8:7)
Stenbury Waterwing Shot (A/A)
NUCH Stenbury Waterwingon (A/A)
Sinnhein Popinjay

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