K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Quick Stepers Gem Balu

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Quick Stepers Gem Balu
Quick Stepers Gino
Quick Stepers Glenlivet
Quick Stepers Gently Zazou
Quick Stepers Garron
Quick Stepers Gently Bounce
Quick Stepers Grady
Quick Stepers Ginevra
Quick Stepers Great Betty
Quick Stepers Georgina
FTW Garronpoint Fitty (FCI 2882326)
Garronpoint Clair
Garronpoint Meadie
Garronpoint Fada Of Saxaphone
Garronpoint Bishop
Garronpoint Castle
FTCh Eastdale Harry (Other KCSB 3763CT)
Eastdale Hogan
Eastdale Hope
Eastdale Honey
Eastdale Hugo
FTCh Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead (KC SB 3686CM)
FTW Greenbriar Viva of Ffynongain (Other KCSB 4532CN)
Greenbriar Victor
Greenbriar Valour (Other KCSB 3196CM)
Greenbriar Vincent
Greenbriar Vodka
Greenbriar Vagabond
Greenbriar Vince
Greenbriar Verve
FTW Greenbriar Vogue (Other KCSB 3169CN)
Greenbriar Vigour
FTW Daughting Dulcie of Eastdale (Other KCSB 3937CR)
Talulla Tilly
Yellow Storm Daze
Bouncing Bailey Boy
FTW Garronpoint Spree (Other KCSB 3406CT)
Garronpoint Eider
Garronpoint Elster
Garronpoint Isar
Garronpoint Melem
Garronpoint Ruhr
Garronpoint Bober
Garronpoint Elbe
FTCh Pointraire Cromwell
Pointraire Conrad
Pointraire Crosby
Pointraire Carmen
Pointraire Cassandra
Pointraire Caprice
Pointraire Calypso
FTCh Claravale Tide of Garronpoint (KC KCSB 3530CP)
Claravale Charlie
Claravale Rapid
Claravale Tyne
Claravale Weir
Claravale Jeanie
Quick Stepers C'est Viva la Vita (FCI DRC-L 1116292)
Quick Stepers Carla
Quick Stepers Corvin
Quick Stepers Citali
Quick Stepers Caja
Quick Stepers Claire (DRC-L)
FTCh Ffynongain Lincon
Ffynongain Lonna
FTW Ffynongain Lizzy of Westmacott
Ffynongain Lady Luck
Ffynongain Linda of Moorieandlyn
Ffynongain Lotty
Ffynongain Alfie Brigantium
Ffynongain Lenny
Ffynongain Laura
Ffynongain Lotty Lass
FTW Caulliechat Rebel of Garngoch at Ffynongain
Caulliechat Chick
Caulliechat Promise
Caulliechat Pet
Caulliechat Prince
Caulliechat Chime
Caulliechat Regal (KC SB3260CR)
Ffynongain Gold
Ffynongain Gunner at Tudorcourt
Ffynongain Gwen of Cynhinfa
FTCH Ffynongain Graphic
Ffynongain Grace
Ffynongain Garth
FTW Ffynongain Gitto
Ffynongain General of Moorieandlyn
Quick Step Jody of Mountain Forest Glade
Quest Janice of Mountain Forest Glade
Quiz Master of Mountain Forest Glade
Quickly Linus of Mountain Forest Glade
Quos Ego Thor of Mountain Forest Glade
Quite Patou of Mountain Forest Glade
Int + B FTCh Saxthorpe Buzzard of Brindlebay
Saxthorpe Kestrel
Saxthorpe Hawk
Saxthorpe Osprey (KC SB3849CH)
Saxthorpe Falcon
Saxthorpe Harrier
Saxthorpe Eagle
DRC-Arbeitschampion Barnlight Sappo
Ladycall Bashful
Greenscombe Bluster
Beaulieu Samson
Treovis Blameless

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