
Golden Retriever

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Trilogy's I Love A Parade

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Trilogy's I Love A Parade (AKC SR86408501)
GCHB CH Trilogy's Hot To Trot CGC (AKC SR86408502)
BISS BIS GCHP Sandpiper's Let Freedom Ring SDHF OS (AKC SR69305401)
CH Sandpiper's Yankee Doodle Dandy (AKC SR69305402)
MBISS GCHS Sandpiper's Pursuit Of Happiness SDHF, OS, BISS (AKC SR693054/03)
CH Sandpiper's Bright Stripes N Bright Stars WC (AKC SR693054/07)
CH Sandpiper's Song of Freedom RN (AKC SR69305406)
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS (AKC SR086315/01)
Rush Hill's Run Skooter Run (AKC SR08631503)
Rush Hill's Runnin Down Adream (AKC SR08631506)
Phil Ch Rush Hill's Run'n the Show (AKC SR08631502)
Am CH Boitanos Band on the Run to Abelard OS (AKC SN435413/02)
Ch. Boitano's the Band Plays on (AKC SN435413/05)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Run For The Roses SDHF OD (AKC SN50113202)
CH Goodtime Born In The USA (AKC SN50113209)
CH Goodtime's NYC Serenade (AKC SN50113207)
Am. CH. Goodtime's Code Red At Voyager RN AX AXJ NF WC VCX (AKC SN899054/01)
Goodtime's Secret Garden (AKC SN50113203)
Goodtime's Golden Wonder (AKC SN50113204)
Goodtime, Waterford E Street (AKC SN50113205)
Goodtime's Human Touch (AKC SN50113206)
CH Goodtime's Glory Days OD (AKC SN50113201)
CH. Goodtime I'm On Fire OA OAJ (AKC SN50113208)
BISS CH Avalor Sandpiper Tickled Pink OD SDHF (AKC SR34377902)
Avalors Teal Or No Deal (AKC SR34377901)
Avalor's Pink Floyd (AKC SR34377905)
CH Avalor's Gold Digger (AKC SR34377906)
Avalors Silver Lining (AKC SR34377903)
BIS BISS CH Carrera Strike The Gold SDHF OS (AKC SR19339201)
Am CH Carrera Inspiration Strikes BN RN OD (AKC SR19339202)
Carrera Strike For Peace (AKC SR19339203)
Am CH Carrera Strikes Again (AKC SR19339204)
CH Sandpiper's Extraordinhare (AKC SR11431801)
Am. CH Sandpiper's Broken Arrow (AKC SR21746703)
Sandpiper's Someone Special OD (AKC SR21746704)
CH Sandpiper's Hot L'Eggs OD (AKC SR21746701)
CH Sandpiper's Forever Young (AKC SR21746705)
BISS GCH Sandpiper's Blondes Have More Fun OD, SDHF (AKC SR21746702)
Am-Can CH Sandpipers My F'Hare Lady BVISS (AKC SR114318/03)
BIS BISS GCH Sandpipers Give'M H Harry SDHF, OS (AKC SR114318/07)
GCH CH Miraleste-Kate's Gibson's Dream Girl of Trilogy CGC TDI (AKC SR62715801)
Miraleste Kate's Amazing Linzie RM CD AJP AXP CCA CGCA NWELT1 TKI CTL2R CTL3F CTL3H CTL2S (AKC SR62715807)
Miraleste-Kate's Gibson Girl (AKC SR62715808)
Am CH. Birnam Wood's Hoot Gibson OS SDHF Multi BIS & BISS (AKC SR29664001)
Am/Can Ch. Calypso's Udderwise Alndon (AKC SN68455802)
Calypso's Udderly Smokin' (AKC SN68455809)
Am. CH. Calypso's The Udder Woman OD (AKC SN68455804)
Calypso Never Udderestimate (AKC SN68455805)
CH Birnam Wood's Take Center Stage (AKC SN70619302)
CH Kate's Sweet Dreams Of Miraleste (AKC SR474002/01)
Am. CH Kate's Iz A Dreamkeeper OD (AKC SR39912501)
Am CH Golden Gait Sunshine's High Road OS (AKC SN92340402)
Am. Ch. Golden Gait Sweetwater's Starlite (AKC SN92340403)
Golden Gait Sweetwater's Moonstruck (AKC SR129240/02)
Golden Gait Sunshine's Passion (AKC SR12924001 (1-08))
Golden Gait Sunshine's Chanel (AKC SR129240/03)
Golden Gait's Gotta Go Girl (AKC SN9230401)
Am. CH Aubridge-Kate's Dreamwaver (AKC SR07855804)
Aubridge Wave of Fate CGC (AKC SR07855802)
BISS Am CH Aubridge Wave Your Rights RN OS (AKC SR07855801)
Aubridge Tidal Wave CD JH WC (AKC SR07855805)
Aubridge Ansel Skis The Wave (AKC SR07855807)
Aubridge Nthern Lightwave Ahead SH NAP NJP WCX CCA (AKC SR07855803)

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