
Golden Retriever

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VonSchenk's Last Stand at Matigan CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

VonSchenk's Last Stand at Matigan CGC
CH. Schenck N Sharmik's Last Call BISS
CH Forever You Make Me Wanna BOSS
Forever's Red Sails In The Sunset
Forever Let's Get It On
Forever Goodfield's Call Me Maybe CD RN BN
CH Teko Goodfield Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt TD RN BN (12 years)
Masters Teko Without A Doubt
Am CH Masters Boys 'N' Their Toys CD BN RE NAP NJP OS (12.5 years)
Masters Boys will be Boys
Ch. Masters Teko Let's Be Sirius OD (12 years)
CH. My Buddy's Coco Cabana Banana OD (13.5 years)
My Buddy's Orange U Glad
My Buddy's Blue 'N Gold CD RN
KaraGold's What Golds Round Comes Round BISS
BOSS Ch. My Buddy's Pretty In Pink RN, WC, VC, OD (9.5 years)
My Buddy's Ain't E-Z Bein' Green CD JH RE WC CGC
MBIS MBISS GCH CH SHR My Buddy's Boppity-Bop Blue Moon CD JH DJ RA WC VC SDHF OS CGC (13 years)
My Buddy's Unsinkable Molly Brown
Am. CH Deja Vu's Air Phare Miles OS BIS Sweeps (9 years)
Deja Vu's Phly By Night
CH KaraGold?s Phee Phi Pho Phun RN WC VC OD CGC (14.5 years)
Karagold's Spice O Life Triumphant CD CCA
Karagold Liebchen Phorever N' Bluejeans
Am-Can CH Karagold's Whistlin N'the Wind CD RN OD (12.5 years)
Cima's Payit Forward CD RA
Cima's It's Time To Catch A Wave TDX
Cima's Attitude Indicator
U-CH Cima's Tellit Likit Is CD BN RN TDX OD CCA NDD
Am/Can Ch. Goodtime Argo Adrenalin Rush OA OAJ NAP SDHF OS CGC TDI (9 years)
Goodtime's Carrie On (10 years)
BISS CH Goodtime's Non-Stop To Rio SDHF OS (12 years)
CH Goodtime's Delta's Ready When You Are
Goodtime's Two Tickets to Paradise
Goodtime's Perrier on the Rox
Br JCH CH GRCH Goodtime's Sunny Delight
Goodtime's Constant Comment CD, OAJ, AX, CGC,W-FD, R-FE/Alt-N, Vet MF/E (13 years)
Am CH Goodtime's Sprite's Delight
Am Ch Goodtime's Gatorade
BIS BISS Am CH Legacy's Standing Ovation SDHF Am and Can OS (10.5 years)
Am Ch Goodtime's Maine Squeeze OD
Goodtime's California Dreamin'
Goodtime's Maine Attraction
Goodtime Raisin' Arizona
Goodtime's In A New York Minute
BPIS Can Ch. U-Ch Am Ch. Cima's Unfinished Business OA OAJ RE GN TD NDD VCD1 OD VCX JH Can CD RA RL2 (12 years)
Am/Int BIS/U-GRCH,SHR/Can CH BPIS Cimas Workin On The Weekend CD BN GN RE WC VC CanWC,CD,RE,JH Triathlon Award
Cima's All Work 'N No Play
BISS Am. Ch. Amberac Yer Chips R Taykin SDHF OS
Am. CH. BISS Amberac When Yer-Hot Yer-Hot (5 years)
Am CH Amberac Surrprise Me Wi'A Kiss
Amberac I Luv Surrprises CD JH WCX NAJ CGC TDI (13.5 years)
Am. CH Amberac I Like Yer Style Zoe
Amberac Taykin By Surrprise
Amberac Wadda Surrprise
Amberac Big Surrprise At Croix
Amberac Surrprise Its Marty
Amberac Surrprise-Surrprise
Can Ch. U-Ch. U-CD Cima's Mind Yur P's and Q's VCD2 Am/Can CDX RE OA OAJ WC Can RN RL2 (11 years)
Cima's In Yur Dreams TD

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