K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Camgart Joey

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Camgart Joey
Int. FTCh Camgart Tommo
Camgart Maestro
Camgart Robbie Of Standinstone
FTCh Levenghyl Malusi
Levenghyl Jama
Levenghyl Muntulu
Levenghyl Tsonga
Levenghyl Tswani
Levenghyl Bongani
Levenghyl Ebo
NORD JCH FTCH Tasco Brimstone (KCSB4369CL)
Tasco Gold Swift
FT Ch Tasco Saxon MHR
FTCh Lettermore Trout (Other KCSB 5274CA)
Lettermore Leader
Lettermore Lucas (UKC KCSB 5286CA)
Lettermore Trekka of Taraspain
FTW Lettermore Hope (Other KCSB 5822CA)
FTCh Stormwatch Spider of Tasco
Stormwatch Spirit
Stormwatch Spell
Stormwatch Stubble
Stormwatch Stoat
Stormwatch Sting
Stormwatch Story
Levenghyl Midge
FTCh Levenghyl Beetle
FTCh Levenghyl Bee Of Featherfly
FTCh Levenghyl Cranefly
Levenghyl Damselfly
Levenghyl Ant
Levenghyl Mosquito
Levenghyl Wasp
Levenghyl Dragonfly
FTW Levenghyl Nymph Of Cadover
FTCh Willowyck Ruff (Other KCSB 4308CL)
Willowyck Royal Reflection
Willowyck Rare Tinker
Willowyck Raven
Willowyck Reeve
Willowyck Raffle At Dragosdawn
Willowyck Poacher
Willowyck Puma
FTCh Glenpatrick Eve (Other KCSB 3736CK)
Glenpatrick Edelweiss
Glenpatrick Echo
Glenpatrick Ego
FTCh Glenpatrick Eclipse Of Craigenros
Glenpatrick Encore
Glenpatrick Envoy
Glenpatrick Elixir
Glenpatrick Escort
FTCh Altiquin Rain of Camgart
Altiquin Riona (AKC SR55921102)
Altiquin Reed
FTW Altiquin Rose of Threevalleys
FTCh Altiquin Ripple
FTCh Tasco Monk of Mansengreen
FTW Tasco Swift of Lockthorn (UKC AD02391703)
Tasco Whinnisyke
Tasco Starward
Tasco Faith Of Bedgebrook
Tasco Prime Cracker
Tasco Beacon
NORD JCH FTCH Tasco Brimstone (KCSB4369CL)
Tasco Gold Swift
FT Ch Tasco Saxon MHR
FTCh Swinbrook Fee of Tasco
Swinbrook Flint
Swinbrook Fen
Swinbrook Fantail
Swinbrook Flycatcher Of Brindlebay
Swinbrook Favour
Swinbrook Firecrest (KC SB3381CJ)
Mansengreen Fireline of Altiquin
Mansengreen Flute
Mansengreen Fizzy Of Burntcoombe
Mansengreen Fiddle
Mansengreen Firecracker of Bedgebrook
Mansengreen Fletcher
Mansengreen Fly
Mansengreen Folly of Bedgebrook
Mansengreen Fujiko of Ranalagh
FTCh Tasco Rouble of Bedgebrook
Tasco Drachma
Tasco Rubble of Bedgebrook
Tasco Krona
Tasco Guilder
Tasco Dollar
Tasco Rand
Tasco Yen
Tasco Franc
FTCh Shortthorn Ninja of Mansengreen
Shortthorn Fireblade
Shortthorn Thunderace
Shortthorn Rascal
Shortthorn Rocket
Shortthorn Katana

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