
Golden Retriever

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U-CDX Colabaugh's Double Trouble UD

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

U-CDX Colabaugh's Double Trouble UD
Colabaugh's Double Entendre CD WC
Colabaugh's Double Dare
Colabaugh's Double Delight
Am./Can. CH. Colabaugh's Daredevil UD JH WC OS Can. WC
Am Ch. Birnam Wood's Honeymoon Sweet
Birnam Wood Hill Sweet Blues
CH. Birnam Wood's Sweet Revenge
U-CDX Birnam Wood's Sweet Victory UD JH WCX VC
Birnam Wood Frankly Sweethart
Can CH Brookshire's Kelly Devil
Am./Can. CH. Colabaugh's Tazmanian Devil
Am Ch. Birnam Wood's Douglas Furr OS
Birnam Wood's Liquid Amber
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS
Am. CH Birnam Wood Keweenaw Sequoia
Birnam Wood Buckthorn Banner
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF
Am. CH. Kachina's Kamiakin O'Darnley CD WC OS SDHF
Am-Can Ch. Kachina's Kiros Karma CD OD Can CD
Kachina Dorado El Chacho
Am. CH Kachina's Livin' End OD
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD
Am. CH Gilnockie Roman Candle
Am Ch Goldenloe's Fourth of July
Gilnockie Sparkler CD
Can Ch Colabaugh's Busy Bee OD
OTCH Colabaugh's Lightning Luge OBHF
Colabaugh's Golden Margarita CD JH WC
Can CH Colabaughs Sedacious O'Dea
AmCH Colabaughs New Forge Cachet CDX
Am./Can. CH. Whipaly Sierra Zip'N Zachary CDX JH WCX OS
Whipaly's Tootzee Rose CD JH WCX
OTCH Whipaly's Artful Dodger WC OBHF
Whipaly's Whistling Dixie UD SH
Whipaly's Magic Abbey CD
Am./Can. CH Whipaly's Colabaugh Senna Am./Can. UD SH WCX OD Can. WC
Am./Can. CH. Candlewick's Magic Chain Am./Can. CDX JH WCX OD Can. WC
Candlewick Aspen
Candlewick's Chelsea
Candlewick's Maximilian
Candlewick's Montana Dream
Am./Can. CH. Candlewick's Magic Chain Am./Can. CDX JH WCX OD Can. WC
Candlewick Aspen
Candlewick's Chelsea
Candlewick's Maximilian
Candlewick's Montana Dream
Am/Can Ch Jolly Jack Daniels OS
Jolly Old Grand Dad
Jolly Folly Of Goldendartt
CH Jolly Jill of Sunset Hill
Jolly Popper Of Birnam Wood
Jolly Atoka
Jolly Cloverdale Holly
Jolly J.J.
Lance's Jolly Barra CD
Am CH Gradene's Oahu Jolly Pajero CD OD
Am. CH. Jolly Peachy Pistonpacker OD
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Gradene's JD CDX WC Can. CD OS
Meadowlarks of Golden Pines
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe OD
Golden Pine's Ray of Sunshine
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Courvoisier Am./Can. CDX WCX Can. WC OS
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Full House CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Lord Clyde
Ch Golden Pine Heavenly Days UD
Am. CH. Indanda Thembalisha OD
Thembalisha's Golden Taffy
Am./Can. CH Jabula Thembalisha Am./Can.CD
Am./Can. CH. Kotyama Thembalisha
Andulela Thembalisha
Bomvana Thembalisha
Ntaza Thembalisha CD
Bukiza Thembalisha
Bargello's Casey Irish Lace CDX
Colabaugh's Aureate Pioneer
Am./Can. CH. Captain Neil's Goldstorm CD WCX OS
Bainin of Caernac's Rob Roy WC
Hawthorne's Amy Of Caernac
Bargello's Colabaugh Tansy UD WC Can. CDX
Bargello's Curry Cross Stitch UD

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